My Hope is in the Person Jesus Christ!
Like this neon sign I want to reflect the hope I have in Jesus Christ. I've questioned, moved ahead of, forgotten, lost sight of, and simply refused to surrender to this Christ I serve. Growing up in church has made Him common place, when He is anything but. I want to quake at the very thought of the Savior of the world being born as a baby, I want to tremble at the thought of Him walking on water, I want to praise Him for healing and rescuing so many, I want to see the beauty in the bloodiness and majesty of the cross. I want to breathe Him in. I thought this journey of leaving work and moving to North Carolina would be totally different. I was trying to do things my way, but I would never have come to a place in my walk with Christ when I was tired of living for me and the world and really ready to serve Him if I wasn't able to get into the Word and fall on my face for Him in the time I've had. He is just giving me so much and I'm not used to absorbing all of this, my...