A Typical Weekend

Let me first blog about my weekend. I had a fairly nice weekend. Friday I went to pick up my check from work, and went shopping for supplies that I needed in order to cook my family dinner the following evening, and I also picked me up a box of crayons and a couple of coloring books. I still love to color when I have the time, which is rarely ever. Saturday I caught up on my daytime shows that I tape during the week and began to prepare my meal. I had actually made a cheesecake Friday night and all I had to do was prepare the actual food since the dessert was taken care of. I made baked Italian chicken, that is chicken marinated in Italin Dressing and other seasonings over night, and then baked for around an hour and 15 minutes in a 350 degree oven, twice baked garlic potatoes, sweet cooked carrots, baked corn - excellent dish, orange salad - the coolwhip kind, and a delicous roll recipe that takes EVOO - Extra Virgin Olive Oil, a packet of ranch dressing mix, mozerella cheese, and bacon, top the yeast rolls with these ingredients and bake at 350 for around 25 minutes until golden brown. Needless to say all of us had very full bellies afterwards!

Sunday was a delightful day back in the Lord's house. We are practicing our Easter Cantada and I'm enjoying it very much. Our pastor gave a delightful sermon both Sunday morning and evening. He is such a true man of the Lord, praise be to God for him.

In general I have been feeling a little out of place, overwhelmed, and in general I am still having health problems. I am not sure if these things are going to be the thorns in my side, but what ever comes so be it. I do ask for your prayers, that Jehovah -Rapha will heal me. I love you all dearly, and there is so much in me waiting to explode out, I've just lost a way to communicate it effectively. Take Care and God Bless!


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