Thursday Jive!

I'm going to write this in purple because purple is an excellent color. First, I need to share with all of you that I got in trouble today and I can no longer do any personal stuff on my computer. I was made to delete all of my blogs that were saved in my favorites and any other personal stuff. I knew it was coming and I totally got caught! My manager had been watching me for awhile now! She was dissappointed, but not upset! I'm the type of person that if I'm told not to do something I don't do it. However, there are many hours during the day that I need to kill time. I was a little embarressed, saddened, and upset. I just ask you to pray that God will open doors and allow me to stay on task at work and that I will find productive things to fill my time...whether that be projects or what have you. This also means that I will have much less time to write and check blogs, so you may be seeing less of me. It really had gotten out of control and I know this. In the long run this is probably the best thing that could have happened to me!

Now, with that said lets back track a little bit and tell you what has been going on in my life. In general I'm struggling with a few health problems...I just ask you to pray that God will provide answers and healing. I'm really trusting Him here, more frustrating than anything. Work has been somewhat of a pain, I think that is why I've been escaping so much, just pray that I will have a new passion for it and be renewed to endeavor on new and exciting ventures. I'm tired oh so tired of special events...any hoo! Church is GREAT! I am so thankful that I'm able to worship with such a lovely group of believers! We just recently had the Lord's Supper and God just moved over that place, and satan tried to kill the mood, so you know he didn't want what was going on in that church to be going was fantastic! We also always have a lovely Wednesday night church service.

We are doing several things in church right now. We just started a new topic in Sunday School about the rapture. I think this will be really good for me because I am pretty stubborn in my beliefs about end times and I usually don't like to focus on them, but I'm sure God is going to teach me something. As many of you know I sing in our choir. Now, we are just a little tiny church so our choir isn't that big, but it is on of the most delightful things I do in that church. This time of year we will be having a Holiday Hymn Sing and I can't wait, get all dressed up in holiday colors and go listen to area churches sing as well as sing yourself. One of the things I wait for all year. We also just recently had our Trunk or Treat event last Saturday. This was the first of these I have attended and as usual had so much fun. We ate homeade chili, sandwiches, hotdogs, and a variety of deserts, and then the kids kept going around and around to different cars until all the candy was gone, some of the smaller kids were literally dragging their bags :) then we finished the night with a variety of games! It was so delightful. On Monday night I prepared some of the items that I would be sharing with Kat on Tuesday night and greeted Trick or Treators, one of my absolute most favorite things to do. My two favorite costumes was a Chimney Sweep and a Scarcrow... they looked really awesome and were very creative!

Tuesday Kat and I had a loverly evening together...God always moves when I'm with her...whether we want Him to or not! She ate my Shepherd's Pie...(crunchy huh...still thinking on crunchy!)

Oh yeah, and I almost forgot, Monday during the day I went to read to a group of 4th graders and a group of K/1 Graders at an Elementary School...we read scary, spooky, silly was absolutely the most fun I have had in a long time! They were loving the stories and really helped me to get into character. (Have I failed to mention that I love to perform) It was a riot!

Let's see...this weekend we are celebrating the parents birthday' Dad's is Oct. 30th and my Mom's is Nov. 5th...Meredith is coming home from Nashville, and I get the pleasure of cooking the world famous Strawberry Cake and a new Apple Carrot Cake Recipe that I'm just dying to try. One of my most favorite things to do in the whole widest world is to bake. I am actually getting to do a lot of it this time around. My plan is to make as many different things as I can this year, and I'll have plenty of opportunity between potlucks at church and work, so I'll have to drop a few recipes your way! A really easy one for the fall, especially around Halloween is S'more Brownies:

You line your pan with Graham Crackers
Mix any Brownie Mix from a box that you prefer
Dump over the Graham Crackers
Cook by directions in box
Take out of oven and cover with Marshmellows
Put back in the oven and bake until Marshmellows are puffed and browned, usually not more than 5 minutes.
Cool and cut
(the cutting can get sticky and difficult, but boy are they good)

I'll let you know how the Apple Carrot Cake turns out!

Gosh I feel like there is a lot more to share, but really my life is pretty simple right now.

Oh, I did find a wonderful company that transfers tapes to DVD...I mailed them my Mini DV's and they are putting them to DVD as we speak...I will be planning a trip to North Carolina after the first of this year! I AM SO READY FOR A CHANGE! I know it will be scary, but I'm ready!

That's all I can think of right now, my brain hurts...can't wait to start sharing with you all the Christmas fun I will be having...It's the most wonderful time of the year!!!!


Pilot Mom said…
What an opportunity, Melissa, as a Christian, to exhibit Christ to the people you work with. How you handle this, in the Lord, without grumbling or complaint, the fact that you owned up to it...all of that is a great testimony! Way to go!

What kind of health problems are you experiencing, if you don't mind my asking?

And your holiday choir stuff sounds like such fun! It IS that time of year again, isn't it? I just LOVE this time of year! :)
daisymarie said…
sorry about the trouble at work, but i sure appreciate your perspective on it.

praying for your health!
Carol said…
You're right. Purple is a good color.

Don't you wish somebody would just pay you to blog? I could handle a job like that. Yeah, people blogging at work has become something employers are really becomeing more aware of. Ethically we should be working diligently and productively for our employer. Biblically, we shoud do so as to the Lord. I so appreciate your attitude about this, Melissa. Very encouraging.

Your excitement is contagious. This is a fun time of year. Enjoy the gatherings!
Bar L. said…
Oh Melissa, sorry you got caught at work and boy, can I relate! I had endless hours of nothing to do for awhile so I blogged. I know my boss saw me but he never said anything. Now with a new job starting, I will not have any time during the day (maybe lunch breaks?) but I'll be able to keep up with my special friends in the eve.

Thank you SO MUCH for turning me on to Sara Groves! I love her! I would never have found her if it weren't for your sight.
Melissa said…
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Everyone! Pilot Mom...I would be happy to share with you what is going with my health...if you will send me an email "" I just can't talk about it on blog!
Anonymous said…
I used to have acid reflux and my dr. put me on prilosec - I took it twice a day and it cleared up. I've since changed my diet and I'm no longer on the prilosec.

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