My Last Day of Work....PARTY!

Yes! Yes! More Flowers!!! I am loved! My Assistant Manager and Friend Jill sent these to me on my last day of work...the card read "Good Luck on your last day of work! You are Smart, Funny, Pretty, and Nice! (which is our little saying!)...she is truly one of the greatest people in my life. It is those small acts of kindness that remind you of the measure of a person. So, yesterday was indeed my last day of work...PRAISE GOD!!!!!

People asked me earlier if I would cry, I thought I really don't think I will. I actually couldn't stop smiling. It was the most wonderful day! Of course now I'm broke and jobless, but God will provide this is the next step on the journey and wherever it leads I will follow. I'm so excited about it in everyway.

In the morning I listened to Audio Adrenaline on Jon and Sherry...I love those guys so much (like you can't tell :), then I completed all the parlaying of information to management and actually booked potentially three people for a Children's Career Fair, one being Superindenent of Schools, that will be taking place in September. So, I felt like I had accomplished my last task that was required of me you know. Then, the flowers came and it was all over but the confetti.

God is so faithful and I know He will guide me to His Destiny for me. I just ask that you all pray for me. That where He leads I will follow, wherever, however and with whoever...I'm ready. I'm not making any promises on how my life will turn out because I have no idea. All I know is this is blank slate and I'm ready.

I believe God is leading me to Asheville, NC, and if he wants me somewhere else He will put me there, "I ain't worried!"...and I am actually staying in town until after Labor Day. Another big act of faith, but also feel that God is giving me this time to rest, heal, and prepare for the move. So, just keep me in prayer over time, placement, and guidence to make the right decisions.

Thank you guys for every thing. You just, well, simply ROCK!!!!


Pilot Mom said…
Congratulations! Wow! Melissa, it has come and gone! Can you believe it?!

You aren't the only one moving to NC in September! My son will be arriving but later than you.

What excitement is ahead for you as you step out in faith, leaning on and trusting in our precious Savior! I'm praying!!!
Anonymous said…
Wow Melissa how awesome. I will be praying for you to be where God leads you. How cool and awesome.

Hey I just love Jon and Sherry and I've missed them this week. They just make my morning ride to work!!

BTW-Flowers are beautiful:)

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