Mourning Glory!

Life is here and so quickly gone tomorrow. It is so important to embrace each day with passion and joy...seeking the One that will bring us true fufillment. One of my dearest and most lovely friends, a true sister, is experiencing loss. Her Mother-in-Law is passing away from cancer. They discovered it when they went to remove her gallbladder. It had moved to her stomach, into her lymphnodes, and was in the last stage. This was right before Christmas. They gave her about three months. It hasn't even been three weeks. She is currently in Tennessee where her family was seeking treatment and Vanderbuilt. They believed that they had found a possible treatment when she took a turn for the worse. Currently they have taken her off all medications but pain medicine and have told the family that she is dying. She was able to say her good-byes and how she wanted her funeral and then she turned and said, "Now, I'm ready to go be with Jesus!" I ask for your prayers concerning her family.

Her oldest son, my friends husband, is taking it terribly. He is just a shattered mess. I pray that the Lord will restore him and bring glory out of this tragedy by not only bringing him closer to His throne, but bringing he and my friends relationship closer together.

He also has a younger brother, who has a wife and child that are not, to my knowledge, Christians. I pray that this will bring them to a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus.

Their Father depended on his wife for everything, so I pray also that the Lord will be with him.

This amazing woman is so strong and such a wonderful spirit. I can only imagine what it will be like when she wakes up in glory! What a glorious thing indeed!

Please remember the Harris family in your thoughts and prayers!

Thank you!


Gigi said…
excellent post......praying b
Anonymous said…
Oh Melissa, this hits just too close to home for me. I'm so sorry.

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