Happy Thanksgiving

I’m thankful for…

1. I have been given an abundant life.
2. God whispers to me through the beauty of nature.
3. I have Godly parents who sought to take me to church and raise me in a Christian home.
4. I have more abundance than I could ask or imagine, and truly I don’t deserve.
5. I have my health.
6. God has provided a joyful place for me to work.
7. My family loves me.
8. The church that God has provided for me fills me to overflowing.
9. I have friends that love me, care for me, support me, and make me laugh…(lets keep changing the world, at least in our minds)
10. I have the privilege of living in the United States; this is a very fortunate and puzzling gift.
11. The Lord had His hand on me from the beginning.
12. Oh that He would save a wretch like me.
13. I’m thankful that he is Sovereign over all things, and that He has cared and carried me all the days of my life and brought me to this place.
14. He speaks to me.
15. He restores me.
16. He has only my good in mind.
17. His grace is sufficient and his mercies new every morning.
18. He holds my tomorrows and directs my path.
19. His timing is perfect
20. I have a home in Heaven.
21. I’m so thankful for my sisters who are a constant source of joy for me.
22. Those wonderful Martyr’s who have paved the way to bring Christ into a darkened world.
23. I have the ability to walk, talk, and glory the name of the Lord with every action within me.
24. I have loving parents who have allowed me to live under their roof for God’s purpose.
25. I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
26. God has given me a purpose and it is not to be a paper weight or a door stop, but to shine the light that he lit with His eternal flame.
27. The restlessness in knowing I’m created for more.
28. He never gives up on me, despite the way I behave sometimes.
29. He wants to take me on a journey of surrender.
30. I can rest in the shadow of His wings and fear nothing.


Anonymous said…
You're post always have a way of making me smile :) You are such a blessing!
Anonymous said…
Hi Melissa!
Pilot Mom said…
Hey Melissa! I've enjoyed reading your blessings. Your heart to be more like Christ, to be as close to Him as possible, is such an encouragement. Your willingness to trust His leading, even if you don't understand is also a great encouragement. Thanks for being so open and honest, revealing what is in your heart. You bless me!!

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