Death Warmed Over

Well, that is how I have been feeling pretty much. I have had the combination flu head cold thing. Basically, I haven't felt this crappy since I was in middle or high school. I was bragging about how I had gotten out of being sick. Be careful what you mock is all I have to say.I am feeling better, but not back to quite my normal self. I have so many entries that I have been wanting to work on for the blog, but alas I haven't been able to sit up long enough to do so. However, when I get some time and begin to feel better I will have to catch all up on the exciting thoughts of me. They're not that exciting trust me. Anyway, I am back at work and I have a meeting today at 2pm with the Lexington Children's Theatre and tomorrow I have a big New Year Carnival event back in Barnes and Noble Jr. So, please pray for both of those events and my continued health.I promise to write more soon...


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