Movin' On!

Hello everyone! I am home. We had a really nice trip, but very very busy. We got to Nashville around 6:30pm her time and ate chili that Meredith made for us, then we went to look for a kitchen table for her new apartement. We got up on Friday morning ate at McDonald's and went to survey her new apartment before she signed her lease. Once that was done she dropped us off back at her old apartement while she went to meet the cable guy. Mom, Michelle, and I packed all day long, and then Meredith packed way into the night. We got everything all packed up and ready to be hauled out of there on Saturday. We got up around 7am, and started hauling things to cars, and waiting on her U-haul to arrive. Kim, her boyfriend, and a guy from their church came and helped to move all the stuff into the U-haul. Once all packed up, three loaded cars and a loaded U-haul, more guys from Kim's church came to help unload Meredith's stuff into her new apartment. They unloaded this stuff in about 20 minutes flat. It was awesome. They do this as a ministry to others. There was someone moving into another apartment up the way and they went to offer them a hand in moving. This is a wonderful witnessing ministry that they have created out of the goodness of their hearts. They ask for nothing in return, and they give much more than they receive. I felt blessed to meet these wonderful guys. They truly are amazing. We took a lunch break and came back with a second wind and started to unpack the boxes and things in Meredith's new apartment. We were able to make room in her living room, get her bed dressed, get her cable and Internet hooked up, and most of her kitchen supplies stocked away. It was amazing. By Sunday we were farely exhausted, but we were able to go to church which was truly nourishment for our parched and tired souls. One of the greatest things they did was read the focus scripture Acts 1:8 in other languages. It sent chills up and down my spine and truly made me realize the definition of God breathed. It was incredible.

I honestly don't think I've ever worked harder in all my life, but at the end of the day I have never felt more satisfied. We got home around 6:45pm Sunday evening and finished out our Sunday evening with watching American Dreams and a wonderful Hallmark movie "The Magic of Ordinary People", which I will talk about later. It was a delightful weekend, and I'm excited about the week to come.


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