Redeeming Love

Yes! I am reading one of my favorite books again "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers. She is truly my favorite Christian fiction author. Her books just captivate me. If you ever wonder what to get me, I am working on collecting all of her books. "Redeeming Love" is the retelling of the book of Hosea, and it is the most stirring and powerful representation of true love and God's love that I have ever read. There are some parts of the book that I'm actually afraid to read again because I know that they will get under my skin. This book will take you through a whirlwind of emotions, it will change you, there is not doubt about that. I encourage anyone to pick it up.

Well, I got my room "Winter Cleaned". It looks so great. I am so very proud of it. It is silly I know, but my ADD just reacts so much better to clean neat spaces.

I have been feeling a little weighted down. There is so much that I want to do this year, and it is just getting organized and inspired enough to do it. I am getting inspired to write again. I just have to sit down and do so. I am planning to use the journal my dear friend Mary K gave me once a week. We will see how that goes. I am also wanting to be more of a prayer warrior. My church is reading this wonderful little book entitled "Praying Effectively for the Lost". I want to go through it again and really be passionate about my prayer life.

Well, my plans to see Phantom of the Opera failed this weekend. We are going to try again next weekend. But, my wonderful sister from Nashville, Meredith, will be coming down. I am so excited. I don't know if I've mentioned this or not but I love my sisters so much. They are just awesome. Meredith is getting ready to move out on her own in a few weeks, please pray for her and that God will do as He promised and meet all her needs including her sanity. Michelle got a great report from the doctor and we are praying that God will lead as He sees fit about the Navy. My sisters are so strong and amazing. I gain such strength and wisdom from them. God is truly doing a good work in us. I thank Him for that, and for those that have been on their knees for us.

Well, I finally get to go pick up my rings today. My Grandmother gave me a $100 gift certificate at Freidman's for Graduation and I finally spent it. I am very excited.

My church starts a doctrinal class tonight. I am very excited about it. I am also getting involved in the choir, WMU, and a new card ministry. You all know how I love to write.

Well my thoughts are random and crazy. What's new? I will write more when I have something more of importance to say. I love you all. There is a new entry on the Writer's Corner.


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