Things are Going Well!

I am going to try narrow my focus on each blog, that is why I have placed two entries in this one day. Things are going really well for me. My sister Meredith came home this weekend and we had a lot of fun. Many of you know she is trying to gain a singing career, so we took pictures for her head shots, and we also went to see Phantom of the Opera this weekend. It was fabulous, I am so thrilled about seeing it again this weekend with Jamie and Becky. I will write more about the Phantom movie when I see it again. I would encourage anyone to go see this thrilling movie, and I still have to see the live performance.

Work is boring and uninspiring. I am utterly bored and have to struggle to find new things to do to keep me from running out of things to do. I'm just tired of it, but I know that I am supposed to stay here a little while longer while God works.

Church is probably the best thing in my life right now. We had a great first Doctronial meeting, tonight is our WMU meeting, and we are planning to go to the Women of Faith Conference this summer in St. Louis. It is truly salve to my soul.

I got my rings from Freidman's. I have designated one of the rings as my Promise Ring, and I will write in more detail on this topic. God is so good and faithful.

I really don't have much else to say. My life is simple and full, yet there is a lot of activity and excitment that is hopping about. God is doing a good work.

I love you all...will write more soon...


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