Two and a Half Times

Well I have seen the Phantom of the Opera for the second full time. All in all I have seen the movie two and a half times. It is a magical fantastical experience. I cried again. It is a true story of the human spirit. The spirit of ugliness, bitterness, resentfullness, and cruelty, and the spirit of humanity, kindness, giving, love, grace, mercy, and compassion. It is the essence of the passionate human heart and broken spirit. It is beauty and tragedy. It is fantastical and pure. It is magical and simple. It tugs at the heart strings. You are placed in front of a mirror and you see the reflection of yourself, truer than you might like. The Phantom infuses every pore of this film, and thus embodies all aspects of humanity. I encourage you to go see it, and I am always a willing participant. I give it an A+. To learn more about the film please check out the Phantom of the Opera website.


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