Welcome New Year!

I can honestly say I have not been more excited about the promise and opportunity that waits in this New Year. I have always known that I was created for a specific and special purpose in life. I know that I am meant to be alive in this time and this space. The reason I know that is because Satan tried to take mine and my Mother's life when I was born. Satan has been swift on my heels ever since. I have struggled and have had some really dark times, but in those times God always allows that little ray of light trickle in through the thought that I am very lucky to be alive. Even when I was going through all of the horrible physical problems here recently that thought kept coming to my mind, "God did not save both me and my Mother to have me die now." I feel that I might be getting a little bit to morbid. It is weird what you think you will write sometimes and what you do.

Okay, okay, moving along. I am currently sitting in my office once again not feeling like doing much of nothin' so I decided to read a few comments and a dear friends blog (Thank you Mary K for introducing me to this wonderful world), make a few comments of my own, and then set out on blogging this entry. I should be doing work, but it is Saturday and New Year's Day and well there you go.

So, let me tell you how my ringing in the New Year went. It was truly one of those New Year's that I will hold in my heart for years to come. I got home around 5:30pm from a really wonderful day at work. I was busy, there was a lot of laughter and fun going on at work. I love when the store is alive it is some of the most exciting times at work. I got a chance to spend some really great time with my Mom, Dad, and sister Michelle. In the end it was just me and Michelle sitting down in the den watching the 100 Greatest Moments in Television on TV Land. We were talking and having a great time. My sisters are truly the most dear things to me in my life and I love when we get to spend time like that. I love them so. About ten til nine I set out for the church. It was a wonderful quiet, yet at the same time exciting, evening. It was as special as I wanted it to be and much more...

When we got there the fellowship hall was full of wonderful goodies that our amazing Pastor's Wife Sharon prepared for us. We had vegetable trays, sausage balls, cheese rolls, chicken salad, little weenies, mini-ham biscuits, chips and salsa, just all that good stuff that you are not supposed to have but can absolutely big out on. The desserts included bound cake, brownies, cream candy, and the most amazing pineapple upsidedown cake you have ever sank your teeth into. We ate and ate and then ate some more. Then we played card games, chatted, and fellowshipped. At 11pm we went up to the sanctuary and sang songs until around 11:30pm. I could have sang until the tooting of Gabriel's horn. Wayne, one of our members, was playing his guitar, and my dear and amazing friend Jamie asked him to play "Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord." I guess me and her were the only ones who knew it really well and we just sang our heart out. It was basically a duet. The Holy Spirit just came on me and I was filled with worship. It only lasted for a few moments, but it was water to my thristy soul, something I hadn't felt in a long time. We also sang another one of my other favorite songs "Thy Word". It was marvelous. Then, our Pastor, Brother Jesse, gave a really wonderful service, and we brought in the New quietly. We ended with all who were there joining hands and praying. Then, Eddee had brought hats and horns in for the children and they blew all the air in their lungs into those horns. It was a wonderful racket.

Bless me for rambling, I am sorry. I just want everyone who reads this to know that I am praying for you and I love you, and I pray that this New Year is full of promise, wonder, and joy. No matter what you have gone through or what trials cross you path may you always feel His hand at the small of your back and never forget to worship him.

God bless you all!

Writer's Corner


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