Meredith Birthday

We had a great time, and ate far far to much. What's new with me. During the day Mom, Meredith, Michelle, and I went shopping, ate at Chic-Fil-A, went to Crispy Creme, then came home, and proceeded to go back out to eat at Olive Garden, consuming more food than one human being ever should. I have been really bad, but I try to chalk it up to a good cause. She got a lot of things she needed like money, and kitchen supplies such as a frying pan, little odds and ends like salt and pepper shakers, and I got her both Rachel Ray cookbooks. All in all just spending time with my sisters is a joyous occassion. It was great communion.

(I am unfortunately having to work today, Saturday, because of a bookfair we have going on with the Lexington Philharmonic, and once again I've been eating JUNK!)

Anyway, being personal is really not me today. However, yesterday was a really extrodinary ordinary day.

Love you all!!!


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