He Loves Me!

Oh this day has held to much beauty, to much passion, to much desire, it is overflowing, beautiful, and a little painful...there is to much that has happened today to share completely what is going on...I am amazed at the beautiful outreaching of God through others hands...I got the most beautiful and amazing letter from a dear friend of mine asking if I would partner in being warriors for one another, Teresa, my cup overflows...I have fellowshipped with so many wonderful people this week, and the fellowshipping is going to continue...praise God! Friends I have known for years are sharing parts of their heart with me that I never knew was there...a caring co-worker shared a passionate heartbreaking and intimate story with me, and my heart broke for her...I'm overwhelmed at how God is working..."I asked for matches and I received a gallon full of gasoline"...I want a servants heart...LET IT BE LORD!

I know I'm not making much sense, I'll try to pool my thoughts...WOW! All I can say is WOW! and GULP!

(Oh yeah, on a totally different topic, I was browsing through my old entries and I found where I put that I was 27 when really I was 17...in my 30 random facts...HEE! HEE! I found that to be quite amusing...and felt this strange need to clarify...even though I know how SMART all of you are and that you were certaintly capable of seeing the error of my ways)


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