How May I Serve You!

Well, here is the thing...God has laid it on my heart to ask this question...I sent out an email to everyone I knew asking the same thing, and I plan to ask my church family the same thing...but, "How May I Serve You?"

I'm serious when I ask this question. I want to edify and lift up my brothers and sisters in Christ. God has given me wonderful perspective while being away from my blog, and He has gentled my nerves and brought a new perspective to my heart. I wrote down my 25 weaknesses and yes, at some point I will let you see them, and I learned that if I'm going to really be less of me more of Him, then I need a servants heart.

Did you know that there is an ear in heart...and we need to learn to listen with that ear in our heart. I don't want to be all about I ask you once again...How can I serve you? Whether it be a prayer request you have or if you would like me to send you an e-card everyday for a week or if you would like me to pray with you over the phone for something or simply hang out or whatever I can physically do...I will do it...please consider your heart over this...and if it is to personal or to deep please email me at This is my personal email and no one will see it but me.

I love you all so much and I want to give myself more freely to the Lord...I'll check this post for several weeks...

Take Care...

Oh yeah, and I accidently posted the picture below before I put the quote that I wanted to got with it, with it!

"A little child was walking one evening with his mother. He looked up at the sky and said, "Mommy, if the wrong side of heaven is this beautiful, imagine what the right side looks like!" Maybe we don't amount to much. But imagine how we'll look when we're turned right side out."
- Barbara Johnson...

Makes me think of a childhood song...from the inside out, from the inside out, God's looking at me, God's looking at me. From the inside out, from the inside out, hope He likes what he sees, hope he likes what He sees...from the outside I might not look so good, but you might change your mind if only you could...see me from the inside out!

Love you guys!


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