So, I'm Tagged...Again!!!

Becky tagged me and I feel so priviledged, plus it is on a topic that I know quite well since I work at a Barnes and Noble and LOVE books, so I hope you enjoy this line of questioning...

Total number of books I own: I would say around 250 give or take...I haven't actually counted, but I will say I enjoy buying a book as much as reading a book.

Last book I bought: "The Last Sin Eater" and "Lotus Garden" by Francine Rivers

Last book I read: "The Magic Of Ordinary Days" by Anne Howard Creel...excellent delicious read.

Five books that mean a lot to me: "Sacred Romance" by John Eldridge and Brent Curtis, "Hinds Feet for High Places" by Hannah Hubbard, "Redeeming Love" by Francine Rivers, "Christy" by Catherine Marshall, "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte

Two major books when I was a kid: There is this scratch and sniff christmas book put out by golden books that is about a little bear and his experiences at christmas, you can scratch and sniff a pine tree, an orange, hot chocolate, apple pie, etc....I can't remember the title, but a few years ago, right when I started working here...I found that they still had this book...I plopped down in the kid section, reading, scratching, and sniffing...I had a child like moment again and then I bought the other favorite book as a child was "The Thief of Always" by Clive Barker...I picked it up at a hotel gift shop and it has been read so many times it is falling is about a young boy who wishes for only the good things in life, such as Christmas, Summer, etc... and how he travels to a magical house that has all this wonderful seasons in the span of the day, and everything he ever wanted at his fingertips, in the end these days are years in the real world, and he is forced to deal with his decision...very profound and thought provoking!

People I want to tag: Whoever wants to do this, I'm not going to pick anyone...while I feel honored and blessed that I was picked, I can't bring myself to do it!


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