I Think I've Found a Film School!?!!??!!!???


I am absolutely and totally and completely TERRIFIED!!!! This school absolutely looks incredible. The way that they structure their study (at least from a first glance) is exactly the format that I desire. They run their program as close to a real life setting as possible. This is how I want to learn the craft. However, this means that it shall be very very very HARD!!!

Sometimes, I feel so incapable and stupid! I feel like I would get into a program like that and sink; hook line and sinker! I just feel like my skills would be pathetic compared to everyone elses. I know I haven't even applied yet and I'm talking this way. This is one of the biggest reasons why I haven't pursued anything. I've been scared that I'm just not cut out for this fast paced, male dominated, cut throat business. I hate this insecurity. However, the longer I stay out of school, and the little I learned during my years at UK, make me realize how little I truly know...so I ask a big favor from my blogging family....PRAY!

Specifically for these things....
That I will transfer my projects on MiniDV to VHS in August!
That I will actually apply to this school (and when God would have me to apply for, what year, etc...)
That I will find some resources that will be insightful and allow me to gain more knowledge on my craft before I go to this school...

Finally and most importantly...

I'm a whole lot a talk sometimes, and I'm really afraid that I don't have enough wind in my sails to keep me afloat.

Some encouragement would help to, if you have any to spare...shere honesty is helpful as well!



Becca said…
wooo you can do it

this will be fun for you

i'll definitely pray
fofinha said…
All I can say is chills upon chills as I read your post. Girlfriend, God is in the mix here and you can feel Him. You know my prayers have been for you to find the place God has for you and we both know it is not here in good old KY. You are stronger than you even know. You are such steel and iron, tempered by the fire of the Lord. We know He can carry us through and He can also walk right beside us. Jehovah-Nissi is the banner over us, the banner that goes before us announcing that here comes a child of the King, the banner that announces the victory we have come to claim in the name of our Lord and Savior. You can do it, you will succeed and glorify the Lord. His timing will be made evident through your obedience and He will stand firm with you. I will hold you more accountable for the steps you must take in this act of obedience and I will praise the Lord who wonderfully and mysteriously made you. You are a true adventurer and you have already packed your bags for the trip the Lord wants to take you on. You have the fortitude to pick up the bags and go. You do!!! We will all join in prayer for the revelation of your strength to yourself. We will also bathe you in prayer for the extra measure of mercy and grace you will need along the path you are traveling. I love you beyond words' ability to explain. God is in you and He is moving!!!!
Melissa said…
Thank you dear sisters...I am nourished by your words, and I will hold them close to my heart...Let the jouney begin!
Holly said…
prayin for ya darlin! ::hugs::
Melissa said…
Thank you sweetheart!

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