Midnight Madness and Why I Think Bad Things Happen to Good People!?

Hello Everyone! Well let me just say that my weekend has been full of insanity and great exhaustion(msp?) (as you can tell I cannot spell ::SNIFF::) Anyway, let me share with you first, for those who care anyway, how our Midnight Magic Party...or what we employees at Barnes and Noble like to to call...Midnight Madness Party.

Last week was simply insane...all forms of news media were calling me and asking me the same repetitive questions. I was on Channel 27 morning news Friday, Channel 18 and Channel 36 both came out and did pieces on the "madness" of it all. I have to say that I absolutely about fainted when I saw the camera guy for Channel 18, can we say tall, dark, handsome...and YUM! Plus he was SOOO nice! Michael, our cafe manager who happens to be "gay", and I were simply gushing over him. I couldn't even open the back door, he distracted me that much. Then, Channel 36's camera guy was a little "cutie" himself. In a moment of shere insanity, Jennifer, our store manager convinced me to give him my business card with my cell number. I did it, and now it is the talk of the store...I'm not waiting with baited breath for him to call...(however, I have this nagging feeling I know him from somewhere)...

Anyway, the night went really well. We had people lined out the door by 5:30pm, by 9pm this place was so packed you could get lost. We had wonderful volunteers from the Governer's Scholars Program, and the Lexington Children's Theatre were simply FANTASTIC!!! We couldn't have done it without them. I'm making them cupcakes to say THANKYOU! People came dressed in all kinds of HP attire! It was great. The exciting events of the evening was a woman from the Lexington Pagan Scociety asking if she could come out in her robes, she thought the kids would get a kick out of it, three teenage girls literally screaming and crying, like they were meeting Elvis, over the book, they asked if they could keep a box for a keepsake...INSANITY! (We will make fun of them until the next HP release!) And then there were the protestors, yes indeed! One lady stood out all in black, jumping around, and screaming..."I'M GOING TO BURN YOUR STORE DOWN!" It gets better, then she called today and said that Jennifer, our store manager, was trying to set her on fire, and why is Harry Potter the only one who can wear a robe, and does your store hate Christians, and "I want to speak to the man who pays your bills"...etc...INSANITY! I was like, Jennifer, how exactly were you going to set her on fire, I guess since all of us at Barnes and Noble are Satan worshipers we would just cast a spell on her...OH PLEASE! See, this is why Christians get a bad name, because of these fruitcakes out there.

The night was a lot of FUN...I made the PA announcements...I HAD THE POWER...when I finally announced that the books were going on sale everyone screamed!!!...I told them I wouldn't sale them the book until they got quite, you could have heard a pin drop! ::HEE! HEE::

Saturday, my throat, my legs, heck my whole body ached like I'd run a 10 mile marathon...I had a migrane and felt hungover...I literally couldn't MOVE! So, I stayed home and watched gushy movies:

DEAR FRANKIE (I will be writing more on this film!)

Oh you could have just squeezed me out with sugary sweetness...what a great day!

In Love Comes Softly, the character Clark, gives one of the most poinent speeches after his barn has burned down, and his wife, Marty asks how he can believe in a God that would allow such unspeakable things happen to good people...I think this is a true measure of God's love for us...so here is Clark's response to why bad things happen to good people:

"Missy (his daughter) could fall down and hurt herself even if I'm walking right there beside her, but that doesn't mean that I allowed it to happen, she knows with the Father's unconditional love, I'll pick her up and carry her, I'll try to heal her, I'll cry when she cries and I'll rejoice when she is well...in all the moments of my life God has been right there beside me. The truth of God's love is not that He allows bad things to happen. It's His promise that He'll be there with us when they do!"

I have to say that this truth has stayed with me. It is something I've always known, but rarely understood until I first heard this spoken in this film. I was astounded at the revelation and truth given me. It is one of the biggest reasons I fear taking the plunge. You see I found myself very content in the place I'm in. I'm safe and confortable, the boundaries are familiar. I fear the knowledge of hard times will come upon me when I move off, and I'll struggle with loneliness, fear, and doubt and that satan will be close to my heels. However, this truth is light to me at the same time...that Christ promises that His burden is light and his yoke is easy, and that as a Loving Father, he will carry me if need be.

May all of your cups be filled and your days be blessed!


Melissa said…
God bless you Gayla, you are a blessing, now let me try and answer your "novel" ::hee::hee::

I am still working on updating my blog to my liking, the links are new, I have more in mind, more coming! So, yes, the Lisa Marie Presley site is new...I have to say also that I am an Elivs fan, however, my younger sister Michelle takes the cake...she is the ULTIMATE Elvis fan in our family. I LOVE her soul!

Oh my goodness Gayla...I haven't read the books...nor do I really desire to, when something gets that much hype I tend to step back and not bite...such is the case with the Left Behind Series and the Purpose Driven Life!

It makes me sad because it is those "Christians" that people see, and who I'm related to...I just want to live the most pure sincere Christian LIFE possibly..."he makes me want to live"! Ah Well!

You bless my soul Gayla, let me just say...have a great week!

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