My Perfect Man!

This in no way diminishes what I've been talking about in my previous fact on that note it seems that everything I've been reading (and let me say it, dare satan uses it against me, but I'm totally falling in love with the Word...I can't get enough of it) is directed toward the thought of it not being about fact I've come up with this little saying...(I think you will smile when you hear it)...

My Cup Overflows because...
He Is My Portion therefore...
It Really Isn't About Me At All!

Like how I squeezed all those in there...God is teaching me so much and growing me so much and like Kat, I can see that He is doing that for so many others, but this post isn't about is about my perfect man. You see I had a very important date with my 2 year old boyfriend today and it just made me think how much I treasure this little man in my life (by the way this is my boss's son)...

The reasons why he is the perfect man.

1. He calls me Lissa!
2. He is always so excited to see me!
3. He loves me unconditionally!
4. He is concerned when I'm crying (or as he say crynin')
5. He wants to be near me, and is very dramatic about it.
6. He fixes my hair (who knew what two office calculators run through curly brown hair could do for a girls look!)
7. He likes to share his food with me!
8. He gives me kisses.
9. He likes to snuggle with me and bite my jewelry (uncertain what that means)
10. He knows that he holds my heart in the palm of his hand!
11. He makes me laugh...a lot!
12. He dances for me!
13. He makes up songs with me in them and then sings them to me..."Lissa look at the firetruck, Lissa look at the firetruck, Lissa...well you get the picture" (totally dancing in his car seat the whole time.
14. Did I mention he calls me Lissa!!!
15. He is cuter than a fuzzy peach!

So, now I have shared my heart my joy Mr. George Peters with you! He is so precious. Everyone should have one. These pictures are not the best in the world, and then he got a hold of my camera and proceeded to take pictures of my leg, Chris, the cabinets and a few things that I'm still trying to figure out...ah the joy of a 2 year old boy!

Take Care, God Bless, Much Love!!!!


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