There's So Much...So Little Time!

Hey Everyone! First, let me say thank you so much to everyone who responded to my last post. Great feedback and encouragement! Thank you! I have been reading blogs today and I have just been blown away by what God is teaching me through them. I have written so much stuff down to go back and mull over, and I am bursting with passion to express them on my blog, however I have had so little time to write down what has been going on in my journey. I have literally been running like a chicken with my head cut off. Why does Satan do that? Suck precious time away from us like that.

The big thing that I'm planning for this weekend is by best friend from GA, her husband and son are coming to visit this weekend. They will arrive sometime tomorrow. So, there has been food that has needed to be bought, beds to be made, and all the little things that I have very little time for working fulltime. My family has been a great help though. Without them I don't know what I would do. I'm very excited about seeing my little "nephew" I've missed seeing him grow up!

I have been seriously considering my next step in my journey. The film school out of state cost is unbelievable, as I'm sure you can imagine. I'm seriously considering moving in the summer of 2006 to NC in order to try and establish residency. There is so much to consider when doing this, finding a place to work and rest my head, then when I do actually start school balancing work and classes, making enough money to support myself, while doing the best I possibly can in school. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. Please pray that God will give me the answers I need. I know that "God opens doors which no man can shut!" I am confident I will walk through the right one.

Finally, in closing rest assured when my friend and her family are safely tucked back in GA many great things will be coming, some fun pics, exciting posts and much much more. You guys are the best, and seeing the passion and growth in so many of you makes me really take a long hard look at this old Christian, I NEED HIM FOR HE IS MY PORTION, I don't need the things of this world for they will never fulfill! I love you all. God Bless!


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