You Are Lovable!!!

God loves us because He is love, this is true. But because He is love, I am finding out that He created us as we are, so that we are lovable, too. So if anyone ever asks you why God loves you, maybe just tell them…because I am lovable.

Tom from Effortless Grace wrote about this concept in relation to his daughter in one of his posts and I just wanted to share my thoughts on it. Being it a Saturday and I'm slaving at work (ha, ha) this particular thing struck my eye! I'm attempting to set forth on a different journey with my blog, expounding on what I've learning from all you guys, and quit being so obbsessive about little ole' me! Tom always imparts such wisdom. If you would like to read this post in its entirity please check it out: We are Lovable!

So, what I would like to do right now is tell all you wonderful people why you are so gosh darned lovable past just God making you that way:

Mary K: My Great Darlin' Precious: when God created you He designed a very unique and exotic creature. He set in your heart a passion and freedom that comes with a childs heart and imparted you with a wisdom and intellect of prophetic nature. You are my "truth" speaker, and life is a little sweeter with you in it. You are my Darlin Precious, and you are as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside!

Kat: I remember the first time I stumbled upon your Blog! I was astounded by your passion and zeal for Christ! It made this "old" Christian feel a little warn around the edges, and dare I say inflamed some of the still glowing embers in my soul. You are light, and freedom, and essence, and God created you to bring intensity and truth in others lives just by being there and being unafraid to speak honestly! You are just so completely LOVABLE!

Jessica: God set your heart on things above long before you came to Him. It is evident in your walk now and the struggle that you face with throwing off the flesh and embracing the soul of who you are. Your strength and endless dedication to draw closer to the heart of God makes others around you attracted like a moth to a flame! You have simply gorgeous hair, and are a rare beauty not necessarily due solely on outward appearance, but because of a glow that comes within and softens your are concious of others feelings, but you stand firm on what you believe! God bless you!

Holly: I'm using your real name because that is so what you are, you are like a beautiful crown of holly about the Father's head. He has made you a crowned jewel in His kingdom, and He bends down low to whisper sweet nothings into your ear. He loves you simply because you are a lovable person. I am so blessed that He saw fit to show a glimmer of the radiance you possess with me. I am warmed by your passion for Him, and zest of life He has placed in your life. You beam, right straight through my computer screen, and I am always warmed through in reading a post or a comment or even an email! God bless you you lovable gal!

Becca: I remember reading a desperate plea on "The Great Adventure" and my heart being warmed through by what you were going through, knowing I lived in that chicks shoes. You are radical, free, beautiful, and simply captivating. You always make me laugh and even when we are discussing the most personal things you temper it with love and understanding that is far beyond your years. You are sassy, and I love the blond curls. I am blessed beyond measure to call you sister and know that I have a kindred spirit in the wings. You are a fighter, and God is going to do amazing things with your life. Continue to grow in Him you great big lovable doll!

Gayla: There are not words sister. I am always encouraged by your honesty and open nature, your compassion to mentor and instruct, your loving way of expressing your journey and allowing it to reflect and burn in others eyes. I am constantly amazed at the complexity and depth and care God used in creating us, and you are a glowing example of that. You use your experiences not to hender you or those around you, but to help us grow! God has created you as such a lovable creation...and I am blessed to call you sister!

Tina: I find such solace in reading your posts. I see a loving and devoted wife and compassionate mother. You reach far beyond your circumstances and are always giving God the praise and glory for everything in the end. Even in those low dark times your honesty is great fortitude for those around you. I don't know you that well, but through your posts I see love pouring out of you, oozing up through your are such a lovable creation!

Becky: What can I say? You of all the blogs I visit is the one that causes me to tremble the most. You speak volumes to me with your honesty and desperate devotion for the Alpha and Omega. I feel like we have taken many journeys together on our struggle in life, and I am warmed through knowing that someone else is fighting against their own flesh as well. I know that you call me Sassy, but I truly feel that is the definition of who you are. I can tell that you are loved by others in the way that you talk about your husband, daughter, and granddaughter. People are attracted by the spirit of who you are, and in essence because you are a lovable creation you expel so much love, honesty, and truth upon others!

Marcia: We are truly kindred spirits in loving the great outdoors. I honestly believe that a love for nature is one of the greatest ways that God displays His love story for us. I see that you have so many people around you that love you and care deeply about you. You soul seems to fly with the eagles. There is excitement in everything you write about be it a simple outing with friends, a hike or horseback ride, or even doing mission work in another country! You infuse you passion into everything that you do.

Jimmy: A Man After God's Own Heart...what little I know of you is that you seek His face before everything in life! You make your decisions not on what Jimmy wants but what Jesus wants. I am warmed through that you are out on the mission field doing the work of the Father, whether that be here or abroad! God has set with in your heart a love for people, and therefore people are drawn by that lovable persona!

Maurice: Wherever you are you are a Man of a Great God! When I first stumbled across your blog, I was amazed by the passion and devotion in which you infused every step you took on the Great Adventure! You are truly on the that great adventure, and your care and concern, your strength and your weaknesses, the essense of how you love the Lord, all of it makes you lovable...the Father delights in you!

Ahslee: From what MK has shared with me you are a delightful, funny, grounded, and truthful person. She often has said that you speak "truth" over her life! I see through your posts that you have a genuine base of friends and people around you who are drawn by your lovable nature. Your compassion and spirit for the lost is endearing and motivating. What a lovable lady you are!

Wes: Probably the least known of my blogging family! I am blessed simply to read your posts and comments. I was stirred by your fervor in Peru, you care and concern that you take with each friend you have, and the honesty you display in your journey with our Saviour! You are simply a brilliant creation orchestrated by the hand of God, and that design includes a deep lovable quality!

Tom: The reason I'm doing this! Besides Becky I am probably most fed by what you write in your post, honest, witty, passionate, funny, and steeped with great care and concern, yet reckless abandon for the Father you love so dearly and the Saviour who paid it all! I am astounded by the truth that flows over me in you blog. I am thankful that God allowed me to stumble across it. You create this space in which those around you, on your crew, your daughter and those friends and family have a safe haven for their hearts, and in turn reminds me that I have a safe haven in my Abba's heart! God bless you indeed!

So, if you ever wonder why I read your blog, that's why in a nutshell! I love all you lovable people and my cup truly overflows in thought of each of you. God bless you indeed brothers and can I show love to you?

PS...I know several read this and don't ever post or have blogs of their own, so to Teresa, Krystal, and Erin (to name a few) you ladies are truly the absolute definition of lovable and have effected my life in a way that no words can express! I love you and am blessed to have each of you in my life! Know that!


Pilot Mom said…
What wonderful tributes! They are truly special to call you Friend! :)
Becca said…

you made my day darlin :)

fofinha said…
Pilot mom, you are so right to say we are the special ones to be able to call Melissa a friend. She is one of the most amazing and fabulous women God has placed in my path. She is SOOOOOOOO VERY LOVEABLE!!!! In so many ways she does not even fathom. Whe is a jewel straight from the crown of the Lord himself.

Thank you precious one. mk
Gigi said…
Wow...I truly don't know what to say.....I pray that we meet if not here on earth that there is a moment in heaven where I will get to see you and that we will get to really TALK to each other....thanks b
Melissa said…
Oh you beautiful and amazing ladies, thank you for the amazing comments on the is all well are simply amazing! AMAZING!

Becky...I faith God will bring us together whether it be on this side of Heaven or the are a blessing...

You are all welcome!
Holly said…
You are such a sweetie! You are an amazing blessing to me Melissa! And I thank God for you and the blog family, for being in my life at such a pivital time! .:hugs:.

Sometime when I get to Kentucky, we should have a blog family bash!

God Bless you!
Melissa said…
A blog family bash sounds AWESOME! Maybe we should seriously consider coordinating one!
Holly said…
We should!!! :)

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