Hey, I'm Back!

There is so much to tell you, but not tonight! I'm trying to catch up with all you passionate and busy bees and let me say I haven't gotten to all of you lovely creations yet, but I will catch up I tell you. Then, do I have an outpouring of truth for your life...God is so Merciful and Loving!

You know though I won't kid you, satan has been trying to beat me down. It is amazing what can happen from Friday night...on cloud nine, praising God from the depths of my soul, feeling His presence wash over me...to Monday night, feeling hurt by something that happened on the community forum on Ransomed Heart (I want to be ingrained in the ministry and I think I'm trying to hard)...to feeling lonely and uselsess...did I mention I'm trying to hard...10 miles wide and an 8th of a mile deep (you will get that when I post on what Beth said!

In the end God is merciful, and I missed all of you dearly, but you know what...I've missed God even more, and I still miss Him. Why do I try to fill my cup with the things of this world.

God is doing some work, satan is doing some sifting, wonder what will come out in the end.

Great and exciting posts to come on Beth Moore, my experience at Liberty University, and Yes...the list of what God has done for us in th last 7 days. Not to late to submit your own.

Also, will be sharing one of my dearest friends from GA has a new blog...posting more about that later too!

Love you all...thanks for letting me ramble. Sorry I'm not making any sense!



Bar L. said…
I'm so glad your back and that it was such a good experience! Also glad you recognize that stupid enemy Satan and are aware that he's trying to distract you!

I loved what you said on my blog about Sacred Romance, etc. You are such a sweet and cherished sister, thank you!
Pilot Mom said…
I love Beth Moore! I'm sure you were fed and uplifted by your time at the conference. I look forward to hearing what you'll be sharing. Joyfully....
jettybetty said…
I was in Knoxville with you!!! I can hardly wait to hear what you have to say--I've already posted on it--a bit!!

I was soooo blessed!!

Melissa said…
Well Woman: I am blessed to have you as a sister and you are most welcome for what I said about Sacred Romance...the only book that is life changing is the Good Book, and after that God will lead you in the ways He chooses to impact your life...that old devil makes me mad sometimes!

Pilot Mom: Thank you so much for dropping by and commenting. God is truly the great blesser...Him and all his Godness...Goodness! When I have two seconds to myself I will write what I've learned.

Kat: I've missed you too, see ya Friday!

JettyBetty: Ahhh! I cannot believe that you were in Knoxville with me...maybe we saw each other and didn't even realize it. I'll be dropping by your site to see what you learned. I learned so much!

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