Traveling Mercies!

Hey Guys! I'll be leaving this afternoon to go to Knoxville, TN for a Beth Moore Conference. My sisters are traveling today to Memphis, TN because my baby sis is thinking of living there. So, I just ask for prayer during our travels...a lot of family members will be out on the road this weekend. Thanks guys and will write more when I get back!!!


Gigi said…
will do.....
Holly said…
consider it done!
Bar L. said…
Praying for you! Can't wait to hear about the conference!
daisymarie said…
I've been reading the book Traveling Mercies. Here's what Annie Lammont says about traveling mercies: Love the journey, God is with you, come home safe and sound!

take care and traveling mercies to you.
Melissa said…
God is so merciful!

Will be sharing more soon!

Thanks guys for loving me!

and praying!

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