It's Like Looking in a Mirror!

1 Corinthians 13:12 has been my favorite passage of scripture for about 3 years now. I came across it absolutely unexpected during a very doubtful period of my life, and I was searching for answers and not getting them. It really changed my thought process concerning my faith. Now, I can rest assured that even if I never figure it all out and even if I NEVER get the answers that I'm looking for in life that everything that is hidden will be revealed...I was looking on Bible Gateway, love this site, going to become my new best friend :) and here are some different translations that I find interesting...

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

The Message
We don't yet see things clearly. We're squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won't be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We'll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing Him directly just as he knows us!

For now we are looking in a mirror that gives only a dim (blurred) reflection [of reality as in a riddle or enigma], but then [when perfection comes] we shall see in reality and face to face! Now I know in part (imperfectly) but then I shall know and understand fully and clearly, even in the same manner as I have been fully and clearly known and understood (by God).

You know this whole broken dream thing has been an absolute has really been exciting and so much fun. Yes, the advisary is attacking, but I'm fighting on the right side is a reminder of something I just can't wrap my brain around...Pilot Mom talked about in her blog Holiness and how she can't wrap her brain around the concept of the amazing God who breathed creation into existence with a mere word...I mean you start thinking about it and it gets all fuzzy up there...the same concept with eternity in Heaven! Anyway, this whole broken dream thing is a new adventure if you will! God's like hey I have something to teach you here, pay attention, and in the end it may not even be about the broken dream, I may not get the answers I search for, but in the searching, in the diving, in the striving, I've uncovered other truths that He would have me learn this side of Heaven. What a wonderfully magnificent journey. Kat and I were talking about last night about not being simple-minded...Kat and I have similar minds that never ever stop thinking...we want to take a literal meaning of a parable for example and break it down into a hundred different ways. I love knowledge, I love learning something new (it's amazing that the one thing satan does with that is make me feel stupid, another story)...I love anaylzing EVERYTHING under the sun, and you know what, I like when I don 't get an answer because that means I still have to keep digging.

This is not with health, my job, my day to day life I tend to want answers, but if I never get an answer to the "why" my body is acting the way it is, or if I dare to take the plunge and jump head first into a new adventure, something I've never done, I want to have that abandon of knowing that in its time and place it will be revealed to me. I'm alright because I'm completely cared for by a loving and HOLY God!

Oh this just excites me...I may not understand it all...for I am looking in a mirror and things are distorted for a reason, a little dim a little blurred...the questions are there because we don't know the hows and ways we are going to get to the end of the story but we do know the end of the story, we may not know what happens in the first chapter of the next book, but we are surely getting there. Like in the Amplified Bible ..."when PERFECTION comes we shall see IN REALITY (makes me think we are not living in true reality at all) and FACE TO FACE!" "Now I know in part (imperfectly)...this imperfectly reminds me we do live in a broken world a broken dream...but then I shall know and understand fully and clearly, even in the same manner as I have been fully and clearly known and understood (by God!)"

This verse just always gives me great keep striving, pushing towards the prize that is mine and revel in the imperfect narrative that is perfectly beautiful, exciting, and breathtaking.

God bless you all may you have a glorious day!

(Haven't been proofing what I've written...sorry for the errors you find!)


Bar L. said…
Melissa, this is soooooooooooo good! I love this verse too but it hasn't "surfaced" for me lately. I love what you wrote and can apply it and use if for something I am going talking through with a friend of mine...It's perfect for the situation. Thanks for sharing what is on your mind and in your heart!!!!!
Melissa said…

Not only am I blessed you and allowed this verse to surface for that phrasing, but that it will benefit you in sharing with another is AWESOME!

I'm trying to stay current with my posts...doesn't always happen!

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