Gayla and Kat Started It...

I think this is fabulous...

Please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL MEMORY OF YOU AND ME. It can be anything you want--good or bad--BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE. When you're finished, post this paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people DON'T ACTUALLY remember about you.

Memories - light the corners of my mind
~Misty, water-colored memories
~Of the way we were....

Hey if you visit Kat or Gayla's blog pop in and write a fictional memory for them as well...I'm so excited, this will be fun!


Becca said…
DUDE I SO remember the time we were bored at my house so we decided to pretend that we were secret agents on a mission... in my yard... so we were hiding behind all the trees but then I slipped on a patch of ice after a squirrel jumped out at me of course... and slid all the way down to the bottom of my driveway... where there was a giant bank of snow. That got us going, so we decided to build a snow fort. It was so tall and so deep that we decided to make it even more elaborate, so we bought spraypaint and decorated our snow fort with pretty colors... and then the mail man came and we gave him a tour of our snow mansion in exchange for an individually wrapped peppermint (and a dinner date) :) and THEN we got a huge crowd of kids around and they all wanted to see our snowmansion so we decided to charge a fee. Kids from ALL over the world came to see our fort and we made a fortune and now we own our own company... and dont you remember? We invented DUCT TAPE!!!!

those were the days...
Bar L. said…
THIS is great! I wish I had the energy to come up with something. I will try to and be back later.
Melissa said…
Kat that was awesome...good thing we had gone to Starbucks...that was close...

Becca...I totally remembered that, it was AWESOME!

Well Woman...just that you dropped by meant so much.

All of you are awesome!

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