Well, for any of those who still drop by my blog....THANK YOU! I'm not quittin' this bloggin' thang!...I'm just quitin' it for Christmas! I have never been more busy in all my life and vow that I will NOT be working in Retail next Christmas...GOD WILLING! I was going to write about what I've been doing this Christmas, but I'm just to tired! Please don't forget me. I will be back sometime after the first of the year with a new look, new name, and visiting each and every one on my list and some that aren't...thank you for those who visit...I'm going to get into your blogs as well! Thanks for those who don't have blogs visiting and caring! If you want to keep tabs on me during the holiday's I will still be checking my email!

Here is a Christmas Story just for the Holidays...One Silent Night!

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! All of you are in my thoughts and prayers!

(All those who I have promised letters...they are coming in 2006!!!!


Pilot Mom said…
Merry Christmas, Melissa! Have a blessed holiday! :)
Gigi said…
HEY don't owe us anything we come because we love go...enjoy the holidays and come back and regale us with stories of all of it...MERRY CHRISTMAS love your sister in Christ becky
jettybetty said…
Merry Christmas to you too!!!

I look forward to seeing what you have up your sleeve for the new year!
Holly said…
Have a super blog vacation!!!!! :)
Bar L. said…

Just stopping by to wish you a very Merry Christmas and say:

Missya Mellisa (that sort of ryhmes, get it!).

Hope you are having a wonderful time and am looking forward to hearing more from you soon!!!

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