In the Darkness!

First, thank you everyone who posted a comment on the previous post. It thoroughly warmed me through to the bone. You are all such precious precious precious people!

I have been deeply effected by the Sago Coal Mine Tragedy! I was up from 2:30am to 4:30 am this morning glued to the television. I had lifted up many prayers since this tragedy about those miners and then when I heard they were alive I was overjoyed! To find out later the truth it struck a hear wrenching cord within me. I just ask that you remember the families in your prayers and the sole survivor, that when he comes out of this that he won't consider it a burden, but be able to to justice to the memory of the other miners who lost their lives.

I was very quiet and reflective today at work due to this tragedy and I was just thinking about a lot of things in my life and a lot of stuff in general. I wasn't angry or ill, just reflective. I was reflective on the miracles and blessing in my life as of late, I was struggling with how small my own trials are compared to others, and just what my future has to hold.

A beautiful woman who works at Barnes and Noble named Diane who has a real good sense about people said, "Your very quiet today, I can tell you are very reflective on some things." I got to share with her why I was so quiet and we just had a lovely conversation!" I was up front doing some work and a young lady with a beautiful arrangement of flowers came in. I asked if I could help her and she asked if I worked here. I said yes and she said that she was looking for a Melissa Darsey...I said it was me she was looking for and I got flowers from one of my dear ladies at church. This is the second time I've gotten flowers at work and like the 5th time someone has thought enough of me to send flowers...I'm sad to say I don't think to do that enough as I should...but there are not words to say what those flowers did for me, and the words she wrote were really powerful!

Dear Melissa,

Because of so many differences between us and "everyone", I can get caught up in my own little mind and world that I forget to be Christ-lik and show the love and appreciation I feel toward you and so many others in our family. Please keep me in your prayers that I will be better about getting outside the "box" in this new year.

Your smile is a bright shining star that always brightens my day when I see you, I'm sure everyone feels the same.

Have a great 2006 and be ready, cause this may be the year God takes you for the ride of your life.

Love you,

I read that last part at least five times and felt it was directly meant for me. I don't know what God is doing but He is up to something.

I was listening to K Love, I've been listening to K Love all day today and MercyMe came on...they were singing about how can we be focused on the glory of Your Kingdom when we are so focused on us. I think if I were just a little more honest, if we all as Christian's were a little more honest with what we are feeling, that we aren't perfect then we might really begin to understand the true meaning of being real authentic brothers and sisters in Christ...instead of trying to climb the status ladder of spiritual excellence...maybe we should humble ourselves Casting Crowns says...have we traded an alter for a stage.

Just a thought...

Will try to have more focused post, but I've been doing a lot of thinking today...I haven't spell checked this either!


jettybetty said…
I think we all just crave encouragement sometimes--it's so easy to get beat up in this world--but God knows just the perfect time for such encouragement--and thankfully your friend was obedient to the "nudge" she got!
Melissa said…
You guys just bless my heart and soul! Really!!!

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