Love Letters from the Father Pt. 2

Oh My Beloved,

How blessed I am to commune with you this evening. All I ask is that you allow me to love on you a little. Do you even realize how my heart delights in you? You are my beautiful masterpieces orchestrated by my very hand. I did not craft you by mistake and there is no room for junk in my art gallery. When I see you displayed on my wall my heart flutters and my lungs fill with pride. I am so completely in love with you. You are more precious to me than all the lilies of the valley, the birds in the air, and the grass of the fields. You captivate my very being. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.

I have created in you a pure heart and I daily renew your spirit if you would only let my love for you spill forth. I will never cast you from my presence and I have given you the Holy Spirit. I want to restore in you the joy of your salvation and delight in watching the passion dance in your eyes. I want to give you a willing spirit and sustain you through the grind of daily life. Let me love you beloved. It is all that I desire to do. You are mine let me hide you in the shadow of my wings, let me rejoice over you.

The Lover of your Soul,

“Your love, O Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies. Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains; your justice like the great deep…How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high and low…find refuge in the shadow of your wings. They feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from the river of delights.”
Psalm 36: 5-8

Hey Guys check out the John Bell Art Gallery...I've known about this site for years and it has always been an amazing inspiration...hadn't visited it in at least a still resonates. Hope you enjoy. It will also be on my sidebar!


Lacie said…
What a gorgeous letter! I love this one!
Bar L. said…
Praying for the request you left.

I agree with Lacie!

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