'Tis a Joy to Sing to You!

Oh my goodness! I DID IT!!!! Well, I didn't, God totally did...I sang in church Sunday night. It was Nichole Nordeman's song "I Am"...I'm just beyond humbled at the grace God has given. I'm not sure what it means, and I'm struggling so with so much right now personaly, family, work, etc...but I just know, because of that small measure of grace Christ showed...that all this stuff will work itself out. Thank you everyone who commented and encouraged me. Thank you Kat for dropping by and kind of pushing me a little bit extra to do it (by the way I can't access your blog...:( God is just so faithful and good!

I was browsing blogs and you know what you guys spoke to me in so many ways...Becky talking about Risking Everything and listening and following...Claire talking about balance and perspective, and Jettybetty talking about Surrender...my gracious God was speaking to me. You guys are awesome.

Please remember Gayla as her Mother is close to going home (we need to form a pray blanket for our sister)

Also, please remember my sister Michelle...she is tucked away in Memphis, physically sick, and homesick...my Mother is homesick for her...I just pray for healing a joy in my family.

I'll write more good stuff later. Take Care.


Gigi said…
Wow.....He's gonna use you and your voice....cool!!
Becca said…

Tell ya what as soon as I come visit you someday we'll do a duet :)

Singing.... <3
Pilot Mom said…
I'm delighted you went and sang for Him! How I wish I could have been sitting out in the audience listening. :)
Bar L. said…
WOW! I am so happy to hear that you sang in church. Please forgive me for not keeping up here very well. I didn't know you were going to sing - I love Nicole N. it would be great to hear you sing that song.

I'm sorry to hear about Gayla's mom, it seems like it's happened really fast. I just stopped and prayed for her and for Michelle.
Carol said…
Okay! If you ever make it to TX, you can coem sing with our band!

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