Best Intentions...
Sometimes in life we simply have the best intentions to do things and life just comes and interupts. Not that that is a bad thing at all, but I can clearly see how my life priorities are changing. I loved how Holy Mama said in her comment in my previous post that joy was all over what I wrote. Well, I think a lot of things are happening in my life and I want to just be able to sit down and spill them out to all of you. You who have listened to me when life seemed impossible to bear. You who brought me through so many hardships and pain. When life was so hard and the only way I could find solice was to come get on the computer and read your comments and what you wrote on your blog. My heart breaks and I have to admit that I do feel that I'm missing out on something by not being able to blog. I feel my life is twirling about in good, sad, joyful, tearful, somber, exciting, scary, awesome moments...and I just want to harness all of them and let them spill out and share them with those...