…that’s what one of my t-shirts says that I got at Icthus this weekend…praise God He isn’t safe, praise Him that he desires us to blow through the walls we build and create and authentic true representation of who we are…messy and all! You know there is a quote in “Into the West” that says, “God fashioned us a little below the angels and a little above the beasts…but He gave us a choice!” I find that statement very true, but one thing I’ve learned just over this Icthus weekend is that I don’t want to get to close to either. I’ve absolutely been living closer to the beast side lately, while I don’t want to forget that raw sometimes ugly and yet very beautiful and real side of humanity, I also don’t want to get too mired up in it. I want a strong true dynamic to the Christian walk I’m living. I praise God for giving me so much and for His grace and provision. I don’t want to be sugarcoated…I want to be authentic. I don’t want to be perfect…I want to be transparent! I can’t do everything ...