God Doesn't Say..."Oops"
I received this little bit of wisdom from JettyBetty’s blog . So, if God doesn’t say, “oops” when He does something in our lives, then I guess I should be trusting Him right and not my own silly ridiculous way of doing things. Oh, but no one told me that I wasn’t God and I just feel that I know so much better than Him. Oh me, I just think about how far God has brought me in my 26 years. I keep thinking what a big brat I’ve been. I’m like God, “How did you put up with me?” “How do you put up with me still?” “What do you see that is good in me?” I mean I’ve pretty much lived for me, myself, and I for 26 long years. When I was a baby it was all about being fed and taken care of, as a child it was about what toy I could get at the supermarket, as a teen it was about being felt worth while to matter in this world and to others, and in my twenties it has been about living for what will make me happy. I’ve been screaming at God…”Me! Me! Me!” so much I’ve lost His still small voice. He’s sayin...