A Fairytale Story!!!!

Women, there is a Captivating Story where you are the Beauty…

Please just take a moment to read what Jesus thinks of you…BELOVED!
The sweeping music begins, the ‘clap-clap’ of hooves make their way down cobbled stones. You begin to see the outline of a majestic white steed, followed by another, and then another. You are anxiously waiting to see what these magnificent animals are carrying when you realize that it is none other than that glorious pumpkin turned coach from the classic Disney movie and fairytale of CINDERELLA!

Cinderella has always been my favorite Disney movie. I pretty much love the fairytale in any form that it comes. There is a gentle inner strength that resides in Cinderella. She has been forced into slavery by the ones that should love her the most, her family. Yet, she still finds time to sing. She is forced to wear rags and her clothes are cindered from the time spent cleaning out the fireplace. Yet, she still delights in a sunrise. When a blessing comes her way she embraces it and gets to meet Prince Charming. This is when the tables turn, for when she meets him, she so captivates Prince Charming’s heart that she quickly becomes a woman pursued. This changes everything about her. She even defies the strict structure and binding responsibility she has been forced under all her life. She has truly embraced her Mary heart in a Martha world. Cinderella, for me, is someone I feel every little girl longs to be.

I can barely hold myself together when I see the new commercial that Disney World has put out promoting their “Year of a Million Dreams” Giveaway Prizes, the one where you can stay in Cinderella’s Castle. The actual thought of staying in Cinderella’s Castle is far more for my senses to handle, and I often have to turn the channel too full of emotion to continue to watch. I feel like saying, “Excuse me, Disney World, don’t you know that ever girl, young and old, should be afforded the privilege of spending at least one night in Cinderella’s Castle”. Everyone should be treated like a princess at least once in their lives. Some of you may not be able to relate to what I’m saying; some may understand more than even I do. I desire to be the beauty! I’m not talking about what the world describes as beauty and what so many women fight for and often never obtain. I’m talking about being the beauty. The discovery that I am a princess and that I am worth being fought for.

There was a wonderful commercial awhile back, can’t even remember what it was for, but a gentleman and his lady are sitting at dinner. She seems to be agitated and is obviously waiting for a ring. He pulls out a shoebox instead. This is the last thing she wants! The box sends her close to the edge. Still, she opens it and what do you think she finds in the box? That’s right, a glass slipper. I think I saw this commercial once and it still sticks with me after all these years.

I am currently working on an adaptation of the “Cinderella” story myself. It will focus on a young woman Ann (which is my middle name) who has experienced numerous tragedies and hardships in her life, and Christian (the far off prince from a distant land who is and will be a reference for Jesus) who captures her heart.

This is a New Year with many opportunities and adventures, a chance to explore real love and what new journeys unfold. The Lord in his infinite wisdom has gotten me in a space where I have to be dependent upon Him and no other. I do feel that He has taken me to the desert to cut me off from all other Lovers. I have just finished the “Sacred Romance” for the second time and am now just beginning to read “Wild at Heart” while doing “Captivating” by John and Stasi Eldredge as a bible study. The Adult Sunday School class at my church is also doing the study “Hard to Believe” by John MacArthur and I plan to read along in the book.

The back cover of “Wild at Heart” reads:

Every man was once a boy. And every little boy has dreams, big dreams: of being the hero, of beating the bad guys, of doing daring feats and rescuing the damsel in distress. Every little girl has dreams, too” of being rescued by her prince charming and swept up into a great adventure, knowing that she is the beauty. (Eldredge, 2001)
In the introduction to “Captivating” Stasi Eldredge writes:

Writing a book for men (Wild at Heart) was fairly straightforward proposition. Not that men are simpletons. But they are the less complicated of the two genders trying to navigate love and life together. Both men and women know this to be true. The mystery of the feminine heart was meant to be a good thing, by the way. A source of joy. Yet it has become a source of shame-women almost universally feel that they are “too much” and “not what they should be.” And men tend to pull away from the deeper waters of a woman’s soul, unsure of what they will find there or how to handle it. And so we have missed the treasure that is the heart of a woman, missed the richness femininity was meant to bring to our lives, missed the way it speaks to us of the heart of God. (Eldredge, 2005)
In the “Captivating” Journal this Scripture is found:

For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent,
For Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet,
Till her righteousness shines out like the dawn (until you shimmer),
Her salvation like a blazing torch.
The nations will see your righteousness,
And all kings your glory (your beauty);
You will be called by a new name
That the mouth of the Lord will bestow.
You will be a crown of splendor in the Lord’s hand (the crown of creation),
A royal diadem in the hand of your God.
No longer will they call you Deserted,
Or name your land Desolate.
But you will be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah
For the Lord will take delight in you, and your land will be married.
As a young man marries a maiden (he pursues her, romances her)
So will your sons marry you;
As a bridegroom rejoices over her bride (you are lovely),
So will your God rejoice over you.
-Isaiah 62:1-5, NKJV

I can’t wait to dig into all of this richness God has to offer me and not just read it, but actualize it in my day to day life. I’m tired of being educated on the ways of God, I’m ready to be a doer of the ways of God. I do covet your prayers in many areas of my life. Trust and know that I love and pray for all of you. Thank you for being there for me when I needed someone so much. God bless you all deeply!

Women, we are Captivating! Men, you are Wild at Heart! We live our lives before a wild and unfettered and abundantly loving God!


Becca said…
I was just in Disney last week but I didn't know until I got back that you could actually STAY in the castle! Although Disney seems like it's full of ego and hype sometimes... I just love the castle. Can't take that magic away from me, at least. :)

Marcian said…
I am finishing Hard to Believe by MacArthur at the moment. It is a very good book to give to someone if they have questions about salvation.

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