SICK of being sick!

I'm so sorry it has taken me so long to even write a post in forever. I have been horribly sick. Chills, fever, conjestion, sore throat, coughing, losing my voice, you name it. I have also spent the last week working sick and teaching VBS sick. I'm so exhausted and am still struggling with a horrible cough. I'm feeling better, but please pray for a fast and complete recovery. I will also be going to my interview at Bethany Christian Mission tomorrow at 4pm. Please remember me in your prayers. That my health and my coughing would go away during that time. I will be able to find the school with little problem, and that it will be a divine appointment in every way. I love you all and I promise to get back to your lives soon.


Anonymous said…
Good luck with your interview today and I'll be saying a prayer. I do hope you're feeling better!

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