A Prayer...Surrender (Qu. Pt. 4)

This is hard Lord, for sometimes I get confused. What do I have really? You are my King and the author and finisher of my faith. Lord, let me see with your eyes and focus with your mind and heart. I want to know the plans you have for me and follow close in your footsteps. I have a caring and compassionate heart. I truly want to do for others, even though my pride and fear so often get in my way. I LOVE children with a passion beyond anything I can ask or imagine. I know that if you are calling me to teach them then it will be YOU who would do it; I'm not capable on my own. I enjoy writing and believe in my heart that you have placed a seed for that in me, and a purpose to go along with it. All I've ever wanted as long as I can remember is to be a wife and mother, what does that mean to you? What does that look like to you? I am willing and in the same breath stubborn. I have nothing but my heart, body, soul, and mind. My heart is bruised from mishandling, my body is weary for not viewing it as your temple, my soul is shattered from not feeding it, and my mind is a battlefield for what I have put into it. However, I lay them at your throne, so that you may renew each and create a steadfast spirit within me. I LOVE YOU! I lay all the things seen and yet unseen in my life at your feet. Until we meet face to face at the marriage supper...Yahweh, show me the real kingdom!


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