I Was Reminded Today...

I was reminded today what a great man looks like. I was reminded today that there are men in this world that do live for Christ and seek His face every morning. I was reminded that they are the spiritual leaders of our home. How was I reminded, I saw one today. I saw a man who knows how to have fun, laugh, and live. I saw a man who loves his wife completely. I saw a man who loves the Lord and in turn loves others with that rich love of Christ. I saw a man who seeks truth, and truly cares about someone's walk with Christ. I heard a man of God's heart pour out before Him, not just for his family and his wife, but for a woman that he barely knows. A woman who is his wife's friend, and I heard a prayer that was so rich and deep and true and powerful, because he sought to know my heart and then to pray effectively. Oh how the throneroom of God trembled. My prayer is to have a man with this type of warrior's heart, or just to see more of them. Thank you W for your spirit, your laughter, and your heart! Thank you for loving MK, and in turn spreading your heart's warmth to all who meet you!


Anonymous said…
That was so specail and yes they are still out there. I hope you're new year is amazing and I pray that this is your year and that the Lord will lead you to a man with a heart of God!

Much love to you girl!
Becca said…
That's always so encouraging... :) I love ya girl!

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