Brilliance of Simple Moments!

"Existence has a value wholly inexpressible, we are most truly compelled to that sentiment not by any argument or triumphant justification of the cosmos, but by a few of these momentary and immortal sights and sounds, a gesture, an old song, a portrait, a piano, an old door." - GK Chesterton

Our lives are made up of the great mystery, wholly delicious, wholly complicated, wholly inarticulate. We don't have the right words or gestures in which to express this existence. Yes, we can look at the numerous stars in the night sky & literally have our breath taken away. It is a 'stop you in your tracks' sort of moment. In that moment we realize that we are a tiny speck of the great whole. There is a bigger purpose bleeding for us to be a part...a part of Him, a part of the mystery, a part of the beauty.

This quote by GK Chesterton struck me deeply. While, I can easily recognize the "triumphant justification" in seeing the cosmos, I almost always miss those little cherished moments sent to me on a daily basis. God plants little kisses on our cheeks each moment of the day. He delights in giving us beauty to behold. I was returning some tapes to the movie rental today & was overwhelmed at the beauty of Spring. It made may heart soar to see His Creation unfold for me.

In reading the last part of this quote: "these momentary and immortal sights and sounds, a gesture, an old song, a portrait, a piano, an old door", I had this wonderful vision. I love the thoughts of these little momentary glimpses being immortal...transcending, taking us into the divine.

The vision is of an old country home. Shutters open, windows up, curtains blowing in the breeze, chipped blue paint, window boxes, wrap around porch, front porch swing...a kind older woman, grey hair wrapped in a bun, glasses sitting upon a button nose, welcoming me in with a weathered gesture. A piano plays "Amazing Grace" in the background & I pass a beautiful portrait of a young girl in yellow dress, daises in her hand, head tilted back, mouth open in full laughter, swinging on a tire swing. Welcome in, welcome home...this is what matters, this is life!

Running in the grass without your shoes on, dipping your toes in the creek, eating watermelon on a hot summer day, fresh squeezed lemonade, children laughing, good conversation with boundaries, no hindrances...walking w/ Him in the garden!


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