Hope Lives On (a little rant from an unwise girl!)

“There, peeping among the cloud-wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shaft, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the Shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty forever beyond its reach.” – J.R.R. Tolkien, Lord of the Rings

This is in the inside cover of “Counting Stars”, Andrew Peterson’s new album (which, if you don’t have it then you should get it, immediately!)

Smote = derived from the word “smite”; which means literally “to hit”. The beauty of this one star hit Sam’s heart.

Pierce = a verb meaning “to make a small hole”. Sam’s desperation was broken through in the realization that there was something the shadow could not touch.

There is so much going on in the world that is devastating right now.

Just in the last month I have heard more people of faith talk about how depressed and desperate they are. I have heard them sharing their sorrow over families being torn apart and marriages crumbling. I have heard of people so depressed that they cannot see the light of day.

My heart rips at the thought of a young boy feeling he has no other alternative but to end his life because of the taunts of some, who I’m sure, have confessed to be Christians. Do we forget that we have planks in our eyes? Do we forget that words wound? Do we forget that Jesus says, “LOVE!”…

“Love not of you, love not of me, come hold us up, come set us free…not as we know it, but as it should be…” – Sara Groves, Fireflies & Songs

Let’s lay ourselves bare. Let’s show what true authentic CHRIST living is like. Let’s put our necks out there & risk being slapped in the face…or our necks chopped off!

This world is full of hurting; bleeding, dying people & what do we have offer but judgment and a slammed door.

I want to press on until there is no hope left in my little body, until my little lungs are covered in ash, until all the wax is gone & the wick is burned. I want to love fiercely. I want them to see a difference, a change.

I want the light of one tiny star to smote me in such a way that my armor is pierced to the point that I lay all this petty finger pointing aside…all this your wrong & I’m right S%*#...& meet people where they are really at! Giving them the cup of living water, not from my hands, but His!

I want open and honest conversation…theology aside…let’s sit beneath a campfire, canopy of stars & share our souls, share our hopes and fears, share our doubts and certainties…if I look deep inside of you I think I might realize you look a lot like me.

There is so much more depth to Tolkien’s words that I want to express. I’m feeling a little less than truthful. I’m feeling a little fake. I say I want the journey the adventure, the unsafe God…but in truth I just want a cookie cutter Jesus, a drugstore Jesus, a Grilled Cheesus (for those who watch Glee…you will get that)…that will meet my demands with no cost to me.

Well, GOSH DARN IT! I want demands! (Oh Lord, be gracious if you think that is a prayer!) I want an adventure! I don’t want my life to be tied with ribbons & bows. I want to go out all messy…blood all over…fighting the GREAT & EPIC fight! Focusing on those things that are true, noble, good…

My rant could go on and on, but never end.

“In the night, my hope lives on” – Andrew Peterson, “Counting Stars”


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