The Things I LOVE pt. 2 (The fun & lighter side of things...)

So, this entry will be comprised of four sections (I have just decided to make each section a separate blog…so you will be getting each installment in the days to come. Aren’t you excited?). Each section will be a top 10 list. The categories are as follows… Top 10 Things I LOVE Top 10 Books I LOVE Top 10 Movies I LOVE Top 10 Television Shows I LOVE I am going to keep with the theme of substance…these books, movies, or shows will have some relevance to faith, life, or a higher purpose. I LOVE making lists. It is part of my OCD…so, I hope you find some enjoyment in this little exercise…if not, I will ;) Top 10 Things I LOVE 10. Walking in Nature: I think nature is one of the most exquisite kisses God gives us. It speaks volumes of who He is. It tells of the Greater Story. It screams majesty, beauty, and adventure. 9. Reading a Good Book: There is nothing more delicious than being engrossed in a lovely book…the beginning with its possibilities, the ending when you’ve discovered all the secrets, & the gooey rich in-between. I just LOVE it! A great analogy for life. 8. Browsing a Bookstore: I like buying a book about as much as I like reading one. It is such a delicious, cheap thrill…there isn’t really a higher meaning to this process…except that I find it deeply adventurous. 7. Deep, complex, “solve the world’s problems” conversations with my sisters or friends! (Enough said!) 6. Movie Previews: One of my favorite things in the world! Again, not very substance based, but was one of the big reasons I wanted to get into the industry. I love the whole possibility that a preview holds within its few minutes. I mean a really good preview can make a really bad movie look great ;) 5. Talking with “my kids”: This is truly one of the most rewarding ventures & privileges I have. Children are so deep. We so often overlook how complex their little worlds are. I remember my group of 4 & 5 year olds having a very deep conversation about life & death…blew my mind. I learn more about the face of God through these conversations than I ever could with an adult. 4. The Catholic Faith: I am huge on tradition, ritual, and a sacred way of worship. 3. Sunrises & Sunsets: I never will forget the vision of cresting that hill to a glorious sunset…the earth blanketed in rich orange & pink…filling the land with such beauty I was certain I had walked straight into heaven…the promise that this would someday come to pass…it would be manifest in my life leaves me breathless. 2. Cooking & Baking: It is one of the most delicious (like my play on words) things I can do. When I’m stressed beyond breaking I can go in to my kitchen throw in some flour, sugar, baking powder, fresh fruit, etc… and create a little edible work of art. It is refreshing & delicious, yes. It is a huge stress reliever for me. 1. Writing: Where in the world would I be if I did not have this in my life? I cannot imagine not being able to pen my thoughts. I am so blessed to be surrounded by others far more gifted than I in this department. I learn from you and grow from you…sometimes I feel inadequate, but for the most part I write because it ignites my soul. I have gone back and read things I have written & knew my hand only held the pen…the thought came from a higher realm. I love it. I love it! Tomorrow “Top 10 Books I LOVE!”


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