Communion: He renews ALL things

What have I done with my kingdom heart? Where am I currently taking it?... You have a heart for joy—where is your hope for joy set right now? You have a heart for redemption—where are you taking your heart for redemption these days? You ache for restoration, yours and those you love—where is your hope for restoration these days? – John Eldredge, Ransomed Heart Daily Reading

“But blessed are those who trust in the Lord & have made the Lord their hope & confidence.” – Jeremiah 17:7

Melancholy, the word itself sounds morose. It fits ill upon the tongue. Still, this is where my boat is moored, along melancholy lake. The water is glass still. Fog seeps across the surface, hugging tight, making every view slant and eerie. In periphery, I see fires burning: warm, inviting. There is a stirring that cinches my gut. At the hearth of these fires, burning wild & bright, is where I was meant to be. In communion with that which makes me whole, The Divine. In communion with others. For this is what we were created for.

Communion (n.):
1.       the sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts & feelings, especially when the exchange is on a mental or spiritual level
2.       the service of Christian worship at which bread & wine are consecrated & shared

The moment my sweet friend, Abby, gifted me with the communion bowl and wine I knew I would create a space for communion in my home. This amazing space that God has given me is more than I can capture into words. It has a life and energy to it that fits my soul perfectly. I love every corner and crevice in this nook of mine. I have nested. It will take a great gale wind to roost me from my resting place. I hope this disruption will happen years into the future. It has been the one refuge in the midst of these trying months.

Communion, as a Christian practice, is a serious ceremony. I didn’t want to embark on this journey half-heartedly. I wanted to imbue the reverence that this sacrament deserved. I struggled with presence. I knew I would. There are times in our life when tradition and ceremony can lead us to the cross. In modern American Christianity, we have become all about the feels. Tradition and practice of the faith has been scoffed at. Jesus is our best friend, and there is little “sacristy” in worship. This isn’t the collective whole, and I know the trappings of placing too much import on the sacrifice instead of the Sacrificial Lamb…


As they were eating, Jesus took some bread. He offered a blessing over the bread, and then He broke it and gave it to His disciples.

Jesus: Take this and eat; it is My body.

And then He took the cup of wine, He made a blessing over it, and He passed it around the table.

Jesus: Take this and drink, all of you: this is My blood of the new covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. But I tell you: I will not drink of the fruit of the vine again until I am with you once more, drinking in the kingdom of My Father.

The meal concluded. Together, all the men sang a hymn of praise and thanksgiving, and then they took a late evening walk to the Mount of Olives.
-          Matthew 26: 26-30 (The Voice)

I wonder what His disciples must have thought?... in celebration of Passover, steeped in tradition, here goes Jesus talking about His body and blood. Many, used to His cadence, may have assumed this is just the way Jesus speaks. Intelligent men, I’m certain, at this point, most understood that He was speaking more than just rhetoric. Maybe they were pondering in their heart. Did Judas sing the hymn and walk with them in the cool of the evening partway to the Mount of Olives? At what point did he leave the band of merry followers to walk the crooked road of betrayal?  Looking toward the cross, they had no hindsight of what was to come. They were looking dimly into a future they could never foresee.

I love The Voice translation of v. 30…The meal concluded. Together, all the men sang a hymn of praise & thanksgiving, and then they took a late evening walk to the Mount of Olives.

All other translations denote them going directly to the Mount of Olives. There is no journey or progression. I like this transition. This marked interval between Passover and Crucifixion.

In these moments leading up to the Mount of Olives, the walk in the cool of the evening, I believe it was a picture of the whole union of Christ and His people. There was likely laughter at something James had done, or Andrew could be ribbing Peter about the time he walked on water. I want to know this in-between time. I want to grasp it in my mind. The joy that swelled as Jesus looked at each of these men he loved so much. As He prayed for them, as he prayed for us, and what was to come. There was communion there. Sweeter than any sorrow that would befall in the darkness to come.

I anoint each home I’m in. Typically, I look for a Scripture that resonates with me & go about the home anointing the door & window frames with essential oils (usually Frankincense, Lavender, or Myrrh). I chose to do this again before I began communion in my home – calling out protection, healing, fortitude, and the safe space I wanted each room to be.

My Scripture Verse:
“Just think – you don’t need a thing, you’ve got it all! All God’s gifts are right in front of you as you wait expectantly for our Master Jesus to arrive on the scene for the Finale. And not only that, but God himself is right alongside to keep you steady and on track until things are all wrapped up by Jesus. God, who got you started in this spiritual adventure, shares with us the life of his Son and our Master Jesus. He will never give up on you. Never forget that. – 1 Corinthians 1: 7-9 The Message

I also defused Cinnamon, Myrrh, & Frankincense throughout my home. The smell was amazing. I kept it going all through the night. It settled my mind & kept me focused – a savoring experience.

I made my own unleavened bread. This was such a beautiful experience. The act of needing and preparing the delicious fragrant dough. Making my own bitter herbs. It was a sacrament in and of itself. 

After communion, I went for a walk, as the disciples did. I listened to this wonderful song by Brooke Fraser:

There is a sweetness that is emerging from this trial of fire. A refinement that is undeniable. Through health struggles, the loss of my Grandmother, and personal emotional trauma I’ve learned that this life isn’t for the faint of heart. So, I stoke my little fire. I put clean dry wood on, along with my sacrifices – a pleasing aroma to God. He is speaking to me. In silence. In fortitude. In writing. In friends that bring goody baskets with a communion bowl in the midst. In communion, in grace HE RENEWS ALL THINGS!!
“Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.” – Revelation 21:5


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