Collage: A Holiday Spectacular

What kicks off your Christmas season?

For me, it is Collage: A Holiday Spectacular, put on by UK Choirs and guest ensembles at the Singletary Center for the Arts. My friend, James Aaron, introduced me to this wonderful festivity. The concert has quickly become a tradition.

The performance blends different mediums: percussion, choir, bells, along with other musical instruments. Musical genre bleeds into the next from traditional, jazz, bluegrass, and acappella. It can leave one spinning in glorious sensory overload.

A former choral performer, I love the sound of harmony. The definition of collage is a piece of art made by sticking various different materials together. Using difference to make a whole, a resonant notion in these times. I mulled this over while listening to the artistic synthesis of various voices creating one breathtaking sound.

There is an exquisite mix of old and new. The elements I know I’ll enjoy are singing “Joy to the World”, feeling my heart drum to the passion of the Nigerian carol “Betelehemu”, and hearing a beautiful rendition of “Silent Night”. All else unfolds, senses heightened, new treasure troves captured and held in my heart. The performance whispers ancient secrets, a promise of “good will to ALL men”.

I pondered all these things in my heart, feeling them deep within my soul. In the wake of sorrow, hatred, pain, and disconnect a cavernous feeling of being utterly alone can take hold.

As I watched another candle being lit and heard manifold voices singing in accord… silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright, a chill ran up my spine and a thrill fluttered my heart. The profound feeling of being interconnected with all mankind burst forth; warming inside out. A collage of people singing, “sleep in heavenly peace” offers compassion and comfort – lighting the candle of hope to a hurting world.


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