I'm Still Here...I Think?

I finally got a moment to paruse through some blogs in my blog fam today. I see that I'm not the only one that has been away from my posts, but that is equally encouraging because I don't have to go back through and catch up as much as I anticipated. I am actually writing this little post at work....I am a bad bad girl. Since I haven't posted in awhile I thought I would catch you up on some random things that happened this last week, lay off on the spiritual and profound and chat about my life for a moment...and since the spiritual and profound are found in everything...this to could be spiritual and profound, but certaintly unsure how spiritually and profound a read it will be...

There are so many things that I could talk about. It is scary that now I think of my life through blog...I analyze my life on a daily basis, it has just now taken on a new format. So daily I'm thinking how I'll etch my life out on the computer screen for all the world to see, most of these never reach conception though and are stored in the mental recesses of my mind...

What has gone on this week? First, I have not been in my prayer walk with God, in daily devotion with Him...however He has been merciful and has held me close to His loving heart...I feel that I have NOT run and hid as I'm so very apt to do.

Work has been good. This Sunday I had to come in and work a 1:30-10pm shift. I was dreading it, but it turned out to be a blessing and I got a lot of stuff done.

Last week I had two beautiful and amazing "sistership" meetings with two dear sisters in Christ that I had not spent quality face to face time, it was probably one of the most beautiful, giving, special moments in my life that I had had in a long time. The first was with my dear sister Mary K, many of you know her because she is a fellow blogger. How I had missed her company, how I had missed the spoken and unspoken honesty that we have with one another, how I had missed that laugh, and that humor of hers that she displays with such wit and charisma. How I just missed all of her. She was able to bleed with me a little, and I hope I was able to clean the wounds and help bandage them for her. She is so beautiful, even when she cries. My heart leaps at the beauty of this lovely one and I'm so blessed beyond measure to have her in my life...always keep me pressed close to the milstone my dear sister, I need that...still on for Friday???

The second visit I had was with my dear sister Teresa...I cannot tell you the last time we had seen each other. So many wonderful things are going on in her life. She and her family are transitioning from an apartment to a house that they can make their very own home. There are not enough words in the English language to tell you what her sistership means to me. She has been praying for me the last month or so because God told her to, not because I told her to. Do you know what that means to me? I mean God is asking her to interceed in my life...He gave her a clear revelation that we as Christian's praying for ourselves often don't pray correctly...I know I don't for my life...we often pray for what we want, and the only way God can truly interceed for what we need is if He is asked...(this truly is why I feel like I haven't jumped ship even though I haven't been in His presence as closely as I should)...there were so many other wonderful truths (which I will be sharing in the future, and we have partnered to be accountability partners with one another...my cup truly overflows...sorry dear one I haven't gotten back with you...you are truly an inspiration and a safe haven for my heart. I am blessed beyond measure with the work God is doing in both our lives...I feel passionately that there are great things in store for us, and that satan wants those great things to be destroyed...I will pray for protection and discernment for you dear one...you are a blessing in my life. (Monday's after 4pm are best for me...and I will agree to pick a certain time each day to pray for you throughout the week....:)

Well, yesterday my baby sister and I drove down to Nashville and went to see Lisa Marie Presely play at the Cannery....it was AWESOME! We met up with my other sis who lives there and grabbed a bite to eat, stood in line for an hour and a half, and then the concert was standing room only...but through all of the waiting, she didn't get out there until 9pm...it was WONDERFUL to hear her sing. My sister, Michelle, has always been an old soul...loving the rich sounds of the likes of James Taylor, Janice Joplin, Elvis Presley,....etc... She has a very eclectic ear about her, and always can find music that is new and interesting...Lisa is her own woman, and is definitely put her own "thumb print" to the music industry. She was personable, passionate, and gave a great performance...shake those hips girl like your Daddy taught ya. Michelle and I listened to her albums on the way home and I was moved to tears on several parts. This will be a moment in time I will remember forever. We spent the night at my sister Meredith's apartment and drove back this morning...I'm tired...Sniff!

Great googly moogly's do you know what just came out..."Phantom of the Opera" on DVD...Yeah! Happy Dance! Smiles and love. I bought a copy for both me and my dear friend Jamie...because she is a huge fan of Phantom in general. It made my heart happy. For those that have read my blog from the beginning know how much this movie meant to me, for those who haven't been around that long here are my thoughts on this film. (I know I talked about it alot in previous posts, sorry for those to rehash it)

This weekend proves to be full of fun and wonder...my sister Meredith will be coming home for Mommy's Day....Yeah! I still haven't gotten my beautiful Mother anything...again I say "Sniff!"

Well, I promise more good things on the horizon, I will keep you updated. I'm sorry for the lack of whatever this post might intail, I'm having a somewhat out of body experience due to lack of sleep!

Love you all!

I feel like my life is quite boring to read about, but very great for me. I am almost through with "Journey of Desire" and will soon be going back to the great adventure that is "Sacred Romance"...we shall see what great things unfold!


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