29 & Content!
I know I know, I said that I would do my second half of San Diego, but I'm on my Dad's laptop downstairs and the San Diego piece is saved on my computer and not yet finished :) 29 and content. Today I turned 29 years old. How wonderful is that? I feel so much more like a woman. I'm excited about my 30s. I can live more content, more in my skin, less burdened by the frets that I carried from my teen years. It was like each year of my 20s I came more into myself. I began to discover more facets of myself that I really enjoyed. I delight in the thought of discovering more of God, loving harder, living richer, striving, bleeding, fighting...living that wonderful thing we call life abundant. I do not fear the last year of my 20s. I don't feel like I'm giving up anything. Let those years die, let's bury them deep, let the maggots eat them way...fire burning them to ash. I want to learn from them, but I'm ready to embrace the next 10 years. I want to embrace my wom...