I Found Beauty in a Book of Cinderella Quotes!

I begin with "MY SUPPLICATION"!
I had intended to write about something else. In fact, I had two other blog posts in mind before Sunday evening. I have been away from the quill and parchment. A layer of crust has formed over the inkwell. I read an old story I began more than five years ago. It was good. It had meat. By the end of the day, I come home, make dinner, and veg. I don’t desire to do anything more. Yet, my heart pounds with a rustle of inspiration. My fingers tremble over keys - aching to loose the caged soul behind carbon ribs.

Sophie made me a book. She went onto Pinterest and found Cinderella quotes for me. This beautiful girl/woman took time out of her day, because she knows my heart beats for the Cinderella story, and found some beautiful quotes for me. It was all I could do not to cry. The quotes were so beautiful; resonate.

Every girl wants to be a princess. Ok, maybe not every girl!

I want to be one. I have a keychain that I keep my work keys on that say “Princess” in big beautiful glittery pink letters.

The connotation of the word “princess” has been skewed. It distorts itself in glitter, frills, and tiaras. However, when I think of princesses I think of Eowyn in “Lord of the Rings” or Danielle in “Ever After”.

I shared my thoughts about Cinderella in 2007:

Cinderella has always been my favorite Disney movie. I pretty much love the fairytale in any form that it comes. There is a gentle inner strength that resides in Cinderella. She has been forced into slavery by the ones that should love her the most, her family. Yet, she still finds time to sing. She is forced to wear rags and her clothes are cindered from the time spent cleaning out the fireplace. Yet, she still delights in a sunrise. When a blessing comes her way she embraces it and gets to meet Prince Charming. This is when the tables turn, for when she meets him, she so captivates Prince Charming’s heart that she quickly becomes a woman pursued. This changes everything about her. She even defies the strict structure and binding responsibility she has been forced under all her life. She has truly embraced her Mary heart in a Martha world. Cinderella, for me, is someone I feel every little girl longs to be.

Sophie’s quotes brought so much of this wonder back.

At the first of the year I did something selfish for me. I joined “ChristianMingle.com”. I have, since I can remember, always desired to be a wife and a mother. It is something I have had to mourn and let go off continually. I trust that God gives us the desires of our hearts because He gives us all of Himself! I did not join a dating website to find a husband. I know that sounds crazy! But, honestly, I didn’t. I was laying my fleece before the Lord. I had given this dream back to God repeatedly. I tended my heart and resigned to live as if I would be single for the rest of my life. Joining the dating website was a submission. It was an opening of my hand saying, “I am willing to receive what you would wish for me.”

I do not know if I will ever be married.

I am alright with this.

I struggle with the skewed view we as a church have on singles. I even get a little angry at the way the church loves singles. But, in no way am I bitter.

My cup truly overflows.

The book “The Sacred Romance” by Brent Curtis and John Eldredge changed my life! It set my heart on fire for the Lord. A God that loved and pursued me with an endless passion unto death – what a fabulous gift! I want Him! I want earthly love too, but I want Him more! I want Him, like in Hosea 2, to cut me off from all other lovers. I desire for my valley of trouble to lead to a door of hope. I want to walk beside the waters with Him, to be His bride!!!

10Hearken, O daughter, and consider, and incline thine ear; forget also thine own people, and thy father's house;
11So shall the king greatly desire thy beauty: for he is thy Lord; and worship thou him.
Psalm 45: 10-11

4Thou art beautiful, O my love, as Tirzah, comely as Jerusalem, terrible as an army with banners. – Song of Solomon 6:4

I struggle with my beauty. The lack luster world views have bruised – words, ugly and sharp, have cut deep and left jagged scars.

I desire to be the beauty! I’m not talking about what the world describes as beauty and what so many women fight for and often never obtain. I’m talking about being the beauty - the discovery that I am a princess and that I am worth being fought for.

And, I am! I am loved by the Lover of the Universe! The great King finds me captivating.

The quotes Sophie gave me:

1.      Never look back. If Cinderella went to pick up her shoe, she would not have become a princess. (I so often look back and ponder the “what-ifs” of my life. It is what a worry-wart does)

2.      Even Miracles take a little time (Amen! And, we reap the richness, the sweet fruit of that miracle, when we let it ripen)

3.      Cinderella didn’t settle for just going to the ball…she wanted to dance (I get so caught up in getting to a destination – duty bound! The joy of life is so delicious. Let’s put on our dancing shoes and boogie!)

4.      A dream is a wish your heart makes. (Enough said)

5.      Have faith in your dreams and someday your rainbow will come smiling through. (It is going to be brilliance beyond our wildest dreams. The dream may not manifest the way we want, but His rainbow is a promise. The promise of His love and the covenant that He will not harm us.)

6.      The right shoes can change your life. (I chuckled at this one. But, there is a philosophical meaning to this quote. We try to wear the shoes of life we think others want us to wear. We try to be the acceptable thing. Just wear the shoes, your shoes, be who God planned you to be. It utterly changes your life and that is just down right beautiful!)

7.      The last one was: “Your dreams will come true.”

In these seven little quotes God gave me so much encouragement. The beautiful young lady who gave them to me may not have even realized she was doing His will. I am so grateful for the grace of every moment.

I am praising God for a cup full of praise does no justice to an ocean of mercy.


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