
Showing posts from May, 2005

One Day I Will Bloom...

Thank you Jessica for these thought provoking questions...thank you God for revealing something precious to me tonight... What does the bud do while it waits to bloom? Somehow I gender this little bud with female characteristics. I see her as the tiniest cutest little thing there ever was. Her leaves are delicate and soft. She is a rich green, full of life and vitality. She has deep strong roots, and she sways and glistens in the "Son". She waits for that day when she will bloom with trembling excitement. She is scared that somehow she won't be as pretty as the other flowers in the garden. She prays that the weeds won't choke her out and that the "Son" will pour out life giving rays. She is excited to see what color she might be. Standing tall against wind and rain, she drinks deep, and with fragile breath bubbles forth, a rare species in the Master's flower garden... What does God call us to do while we wait to bloom in His Flower Garden? Hard Question!...

The Fog Has Lifted (I'm a Rock in A Prayer Bowl!)

THE FOG...THE FOG IS GONE...::claps hands with great excitement::...God is so unbelievably good and deserves all the praise and glory for the works in my life...I must learn from my foggy time and use those jewels to further my relationship with Christ...I must grow from this dark space, and as my beautiful sister MK said...bring someone back to the valley...I'm ready for the forest...I'm not scared, because I have all my beautiful friends sprinkling light through the trees, and my Savior's footsteps to follow...oh Lord I'm blessed for the sifting, I'm blessed, the minute I asked for prayer that your hand began to work...JESUS YOU ROCK! "All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated; God employs several translators: some pieces are translated by age, some sickness, some by war, some by justice but God's hand is in eve...

Hi and Hello There!

I just wanted to drop a quick post this morning. I'm feeling like crap! Not physical sick crap! Emotionally, Spiritually, and Soulfully sick...I stepped out beyond the perameters of my faith...I haven't been in the word in quite a while...I'm physically tired all of the time...I feel disgusting, and I can't even hear God whisper...I feel the chasim opening up, I'm on the edge, the Earth is crumbling, and you know what...I don't care...I'm numb. I don't feel anything...I'm in a fog sort of in my mind. I can't see past it. I mean life in general is good. No major things to worry about. Work, church, family, and friends are blessings in my life. I feel connected, yet not to the source. These treasured jewels in my life are the ones that bring light to my soul. I'm blessed to be breathing...I praise God for what He has done in my life and where He has brought me. Yet, I see clearly where my thought patterns go when I'm not under the will of m...

Thoughts of Joe...

Hey Everyone! I would like you to do something for me. A fellow church member and brother in Christ went to be with the Lord this past Friday night. His name was Joe Hutchinson, he was 35 years old, and had just recently become a Christian. Shortly after his Salvation he found out that he had cancer. The cancer was aggressive and very vicious on his system. He wasn't scared to die at all, he was at peace with where he was going. He was simply concerned about his wife and two small children and how they would go on... Guys, Joe is healed, that is what we have prayed for...but could you please pray for his family through this difficult time...he is survived by his wife Bonnie, his son Josh, and his baby girl (who will probably never know her Papa) Rebecca! Also, pray for his church family... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Below is a poem I wrote many years ago when my cousin Tracy died... SHATTERED…for those left behind...

Don't Mess With My Happy Room!

Oh My Dear Sweet Friend Teresa Is SOOOOOO SMART! I derive so much wisdom from her. She is also so very funny... She and her family have just recently moved from an apartment to a beautiful new home. She has set aside this elegant, soft, beautiful room for herself...which is effectionatly called her Happy Room. They had movers move them in, and because this space was not really going to be used for anything in particular it had no furniture so all the movers put the boxes in this room. We were talking the other night and she was saying how she is itching to clean out this room so she can be "happy in her happy room"...I said, "You know this could be a great metaphor for life!" She said, "I know Melissa, God's telling me don't trust anyone else with your stuff because they'll just junk up your Happy Room!" I was laughing so hard, but I thought how true. How often do I allow others to determine my happiness, handle my junk, and then they just clu...

Me, Myself, and Some Questions

Hey Beautiful People... I'm moving right along in my week. Things are going fairly well. I feel a little out of place, a little separate from my emotions, a little strange (I'm strange anyway)...Well, today my manager and I met today and had a great chat. She really encouraged me and said that I was doing a great job. I REALLY needed to hear this because I felt like I was hitting a wall, but she said that my WALL was something every CRM faces at one point or another. I also went shopping for my SALSA DRESS....woo-hoo! My dear friends Jamie, Becky, and I are going salsa dancing this Saturday night. Dare I say it, but my outfit makes me feel "sexy"...HEE! HEE! Very excited about it, let you know how it goes! I don't have to go into work until 12 tomorrow, I have a CRM Panel meeting...we discuss how we can improve events and do special events for the store...should be a GREAT time. I hope this finds you all well. Take Care... Oh guys, remember Gayla in your prayers.....

I Don't Want to Be Bland!

Well, I'm reading through my Bible, and I'm currently in Leviticus, not one of the most exciting books in the Bible, but very interesting nonetheless. I did not expect to really find anything that revelutionary per say, but low and behold something leaped out at me during one of my late night readings, this little jewel... "Season all your grain offerings with salt. Do not leave the salt of the covenant of your God out of your grain offerings; add salt to all your offerings." - Leviticus 2:13 This really struck heavy with me. I have not been living "Christ" everyday, especially here lately. With the new job, and everything that is going on, I've gotten kind of bitter and bland. I have not seasoned every word that comes out of my mouth or every action that I perform with salt. We are salt and light to the world. God is teaching me so much this week through my mistakes and attitude, and I've been full of both this week. Contiously I need to think on th...

Sex and Worship

You have stolen my heart, my sister, my bride; you have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes, with one jewel of your necklace. How delightful is your love, my sister, my bride! How much more pleasing is your love than wine, and the fragrance of your perfume than any spice! Your lips drop sweetness as the honeycomb, my bride; milk and honey are under your tongue. - Song of Solomon 4:9-11 I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you in my righteousness and justice, in love and compassion. I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will acknowledge the Lord. - Hosea 2: 19-20 Therefore I will block her path with thronbushes; I will wall her in so that she cannot find her way. She will chase after her lovers but not catch them; she will look for them but not find them. Then she will say, 'I will go back to my husband as at first, for then I was better off than now.' Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her. Th...

Melissa's Birthday...

I just wanted to take the time to wish Melissa Gilbert a very Happy Birthday today...she turns 41 today. I know that she prides herself on being a wonderful Mother, so what a blessing to share her birthday with the day that celebrates her as a Mom. I hope she is having a great day...I'm silly I know, but I don't care either. She is an amazing woman and I will cherish the opportunity that I had in meeting her for the rest of my days. TO ALL MOMMY'S OUT THERE...HAPPY MOMMY'S DAY...You guys have the most amazing, challenging, and rewarding job out there... As far as ideas chicks and chicos, working on it, just busy busy busy...will try to post something more substantial later on in the week. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Happy Birthday Melissa Gilbert!

Some Random Pics...

It is the "Bobbing Apple Tango", one of the more fun events of my "Pioneer" party night...I can't pull one on Mary K...too much fun...Yes, I'm always a kid at heart! 
Some of the most beautiful people in my amazing friend Jamie, my darlin precious Mary K, and my soul sister Krystal...this is from L to R...I love you girls!  
Ahhh the sisters...I have this picture put up in my office...L to R...Michelle, Meredith, and Me! 
Lovely's the beautiful women in my family. Starting from the baby sister Michelle, my middle sister Meredith, Me (see Gayla and Becca...curly as a hair is a lot longer now, I desperetly want to cut it off again like it is here) mother Loretta, and my Grandmother "Mama" to the far right (that is my Mom's mom by the way...thought I would share a little bit of us...hope you enjoy... 

I'm Still Here...I Think?

I finally got a moment to paruse through some blogs in my blog fam today. I see that I'm not the only one that has been away from my posts, but that is equally encouraging because I don't have to go back through and catch up as much as I anticipated. I am actually writing this little post at work....I am a bad bad girl. Since I haven't posted in awhile I thought I would catch you up on some random things that happened this last week, lay off on the spiritual and profound and chat about my life for a moment...and since the spiritual and profound are found in everything...this to could be spiritual and profound, but certaintly unsure how spiritually and profound a read it will be... There are so many things that I could talk about. It is scary that now I think of my life through blog...I analyze my life on a daily basis, it has just now taken on a new format. So daily I'm thinking how I'll etch my life out on the computer screen for all the world to see, most of these...