One Day I Will Bloom...
Thank you Jessica for these thought provoking questions...thank you God for revealing something precious to me tonight... What does the bud do while it waits to bloom? Somehow I gender this little bud with female characteristics. I see her as the tiniest cutest little thing there ever was. Her leaves are delicate and soft. She is a rich green, full of life and vitality. She has deep strong roots, and she sways and glistens in the "Son". She waits for that day when she will bloom with trembling excitement. She is scared that somehow she won't be as pretty as the other flowers in the garden. She prays that the weeds won't choke her out and that the "Son" will pour out life giving rays. She is excited to see what color she might be. Standing tall against wind and rain, she drinks deep, and with fragile breath bubbles forth, a rare species in the Master's flower garden... What does God call us to do while we wait to bloom in His Flower Garden? Hard Question!...